Thanks for the CHAT!!!

Well, I just ended my first radio Interview with "ANCA"s Autistic People, People First" ~~first ever Blogradio show!! Double WOW!  I was interviewed by Scott Jackson and Tim P. Two fine gentleman both happening

NOW…We go to ~~11 !!

If 10 is the pinnacle...the peak. Where do we go from there? Well, naturally to eleven. The top of the scale with that little extra!! That's how I am feeling. 2010 was a


..."What does it mean?!!" The double rainbow dude had us all rolling  earlier this year with that phrase. So amazing (and hilarious) his reaction to the Double Rainbow in January 2010. That is


Some believe the perfect GIFT is Autism...That Autistic people are showing the world a different way of being. A purer way. I believe there is alot of merit to that thinking. More and


Back from an amazing event!! On an AMAZING day. The 9 yr. anniversary of the most infamous day in U.S. history. For the country to have been put in such a position. The

Would YOU Know what AUTISM looks like?

An Amazing ARTIST that has become my friend created this beautiful work with this thought provoking title!! It is profound, really. People have things staring them in the face everyday. Seemingly very appearant

The…”FUN & ONLY”!!!

Will be happening, NON~STOP!! Next Saturday on September Eleventh. Come on out to California's GREAT AMERICA Theme Park in beautiful, sunny Santa Clara!! is counting down the minutes!! Literally...the minutes to our

To…AWARENESS~~& Beyond!!

This is where we are heading! The wonderful on-line AUTISM COMMUNITY! Made up of Autistic Individuals, Parents, Aunts, Uncles, Brothers, Sisters, Cousins, Friends and Professionals!! A large loving up-lifting group!! To say the

GREAT~America…on 9~11!! It is so fitting that California's Great America Theme Park is holding AUTISM AWARENESS DAY on this auspicious date! When I first heard about this it seemed like a cosmic alignment! Just


Time for another Artists and Autism HIGHLITE! For new readers~ A & A is a brilliant webpage on facebook! Focusing and showcasing ART on, in and around the SPECTRUM!! People with ASD's

“WHY…WY…Y ???”

What the Mothers and Fathers of toddlers hear everyday!! What the Family & Friends of ASD Individuals wonder!! What ALOT of US wondered this past weekend upon viewing a hate filled facebook group


Very beautiful, very soothing , very ZEN!! VERY ~AUTISM FRIENDLY~! A little bit of EDEN right here in California!! We just returned from our annual trip! Sunday was a perfect day to enjoy


Let's hope so!! Especially if you're "UP THE CREEK!!" Seriously though, something very fun and exciting is on the horizon! Locally~ here in Marina Del Rey at the MARINA DEL REY BOAT RENTALS


Seems some people feel that way about their OWN family members. Well, yes everyone knows the jokes that follow when the "in-laws" are coming for a visit. Take my mother-in-law...PLEASE!! Husbands have been

AutismHWY to a …”GREAT America!!”

Yes folks, that is exactly where we are headed! I am just so glad to be on that ride!! Literally AND Figuratively!! The ride to Santa Clara California's Great America... & their AUTISM

A Whole NEW Perspective!

Finally! We are seeing "IT!" This whole NEW PERSPECTIVE. This amazing and beautiful perspective from a population previously not seen. Well, let the UNVEILING Continue! The unveiling that has been happening on a


It is ALL we can do. We were born, we are, and we grow. Inside and out. In all shapes and directions. That is EXACTLY what makes life so damn interesting!! Some allow

The Much NEEDED “Re~FOCUS!!”

We all need one from time to time! In AUTISM speak it is called "RE-DIRECTING the energy" Well, we ALL do it. Sometimes we go down the garden path, get lost, stumble... and


Is there such a thing? Unfortunately... YES! People embarrassed by AUTISM. Sad but true fact. Human nature is such that ...imperfections must be hidden. Hence...the proverbial skeleton "in the closet! " Heaven forbid


That's exactly what I saw this last week on Artists and Autism! The fantastic facebook group I introduced you to in my 1st "Highlite" Blog, "Birds of a Feather" recently. The Positive vibes

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