To Sesame Street with LOVE

    This is a part of today's #EducateSesame Flashblog.   Dear Sesame Street, You make us feel good. You have always made us feel good. As a child of the 60's I

Rejecting Rejection…

...Where a double negative equals a positive result. Who are we? Rejecting rejection is at the essence of being human. We are all born with the instinct to belong. Because, we all DO belong. No

Free Speech and the Right to be Curly

  Free speech is a very complex concept. It sounds so appealing, so simple, so easy. Upon examination we often find it troubling, never simple and hardly easy. It actually has a life all it's

Autism Positivity 2014

I love Autism. I love my son. They are packaged together and I love the whole package! Love is my life's filter that takes us over the daily hurdles. If we give ourselves

Chalked Over The Moon

 NEXT YEAR'S EVENT will be APRIL, 18TH 2015!     Last Saturday was a day for all time! A day long coming  and warmly embraced by many. A whole new frontier for Autistic safe

Happy Acceptance Month~ Birthday Wyatt!

The superstar on my AutismHWY is 15 today! Wowza. Happy Birthday Wyatt!! I can hardly believe it, truly. It has gone by so fast. His first fifteen years have been some of the very


      SILKE HEYER 2012 5 weeks we will be enjoying Our 4th Chalk Festival!! What an awesome evolution it has been. From a small hamburger joint parking

Love Not Fear

      I guess you can say that has always been my approach. Love not fear. That is who I have always been. Not particularly worried about the unknown things in life. My

Beware of CHANGE!

    CHANGE. My Dad always taught me it was the only thing we could count on in life. I adapted to that train of thought quite easily. It made perfect sense to

Minds Open: 2014

  This is's biggest wish for the new year. More minds open to learning inside information about Autism from Autistic people themselves. Without all of the resistance. Sometimes occurring on both sides of

Autism Speaks…You Are #4

Quite a distinction..... When activists demand that "charitable" organizations (namely Autism Speaks) STOP bad-mouthing the lives of Autistic people and their families to create "action"... a funny thing happens. People pull

This is Autism…

  ...A return to authenticity. A smart window into brain and body awareness many have ignored. A multi dimensional view of thinking abilities. Love and light. A realistic chance for humanity to heal itself. My son Wyatt. All of


We can go there!!! We love this word at ! It is precisely what we have been wanting! All roads leading to understanding of AUTISM. No more traveling alone in the dark.

Chalk Festival #4! You’re Invited! is extremely proud that our annual event will be presented by the City of Covina in the spring of 2014! We will be working in conjunction with The Covina Cultural Arts Commission and sponsored by Autism Movement Therapy! 

No Middle Ground

...that need merging! I recently came across an excellent survey asking Autistic adults to look back and "rate" their parents/caregivers on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 for the least

Knowing When To Say When

Empathy, just how much should we have...?   Empathy. When are we too empathetic?  When are we not empathetic enough? Is  empathy based on pure emotion,  complete pragmatism or, a delicate


Just what the doctor ordered!                 First Friday Chalk the Walk Carpinteria, Ca. #3 for AutismHWY & Making Friends with Autism  

Road Rage on the AutismHWY?!

      After my last blog post  "The New Scarlet letter" I was accused of   going on an attack. Really?! Let's examine the definition of the WORD attack: 1. To set upon

The New Scarlet Letter?

Stacy Nalapraya's chalking of the rainbow infinity design     The other day I came across a post where a Mother claims she will never refer to her child as AutisticThat he

Poison Pens and Pissed Off Moms

You know the saying, "If you can't say something nice....."   What's new?   I have learned to expect both of those things here on the internet and especially in the multi

Return to VROMAN’S !!

  Southern California's HUGE Bookstore historically and literally! So happy to report we will be sharing our Making Friends with Autism Coloring Books at this extraordinary historic Bookstore for a second

Nervous by Nature

We are. Each and every one of us. It is the essential ingredient in the human condition. We are ruled and driven by our own unique central nervous system and what it is or is not capable of. How our brains work

Think UNIVERSALLY About Diversity!

Another chance to "Chalk Up" Awareness arose and I took it!! Every chance we get!! Yesterday afternoon I was in downtown Alhambra for their Hot Spot Saturday ART. It was another


.....Making Friends with Autism.     The book Title and subtitle idea that started me on this amazing.... website  JOURNEY. An excellent road-trip of creations for connection to deep understanding! OUR Thinking.....EXACTLY!

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