Awareness No One Wants.

A very valid LIFE~ Alex Spourdalakis. A 14 yr. old Autistic teen has been murdered again. Many in the community  have been sick about it all day as one by one

Walking the Language Tightrope

You can't please ALL of the people ALL of the time. But, you can try!   I never envisioned walking this fine line, but I am. I don't have the PhD's or the

Relax, It’s Just Autism

My bundle of raw energy named ~Wyatt Griffin Green. It is human and we are all blessed by it, when you really LOOK.   I have been advocating for just a mere 4 yrs. now

Just a Mom

That's me, one of the many million lucky beings on this planet.  Today is our day to celebrate that label of fate or not! We all have memories and stories we share about our origins.

1 in 50

A study recently places the numbers for occurrence of Autism at 1 in 50 births. Many will use this to sound alarms and drum up negative attention. Scaring people into that old familiar "Fear Awareness" as

Chalking Up Acceptance!

In the heART of Awareness month for LIFE!     It is with great excitement we enter into Our 3rd year of our grass roots event for the awesome  Autism Community in So-Cal

Autistic People Should Change the World

  Recently there has been a 'fire-storm' a 'flash-blog' over what should and shouldn't be. "Fix Yourselves"   Sadly, when typed into the Google tool bar...Autistic people should...the auto complete words

The J-Mac Effect

  Hot Topic............!! We all remember that viral-video of Jason McElwain : the Autistic Basketball manager made, star " J-Mac." If you don't? Well then,  just Google it. He is everywhere. A talented, dedicated

One Mile Square…

  OUR Faithful Mission! ...and ALL THERE! I recently learned that this is the great slogan for the City of Covina. Coincidentally, the city of my birth and fantastically the city of Our

A Darker Shade of Rose

    LOVE Taps??? As Wyatt grows into a young man it was bound to happen. My rose-colored specs would grow wiser and yes, darker. If you have ever happened upon this

Every Opportunity!

Everyday, every HolidaY will find ways to put the information on the table! Promoting friendship through common understanding at every opportunity! Our mission is to find fun and creative ways to teach

Autism Awareness Month to the 2nd POWER!

It seems like it was just April last week! Enjoying an awesome Awareness month here in Southern California at our 2nd Annual Chalk-Art Festival. We had  a fantastic turn-out of artists and admirers. We were


These days everything good has a lower case i in front of it. It used to be that the upper case I ruled the day. I am, I learn, I can, I have, I

Let’s Go Jeremy!

Our friend and partner Jeremy Bernstein will be appearing this Saturday 10:00 am to 4 pm at the Porter Ranch Whole Foods market...19340 Rinaldi St. Northridge Ca.    The good folks at Whole

“Pos~Autism” Book signing!

This Saturday, September 15th at 3 p.m. I am getting an early Birthday present! A slot for AutismHWY, Making Friends with Autism , The Art of Autism, Joel's Vision Arts and Celebrate Autism

Really $upporting the Autistic VOICE!'s hard to believe we are mere weeks away from The 3rd Annual International Naturally Autistic People Awards Convention/Festival. October 19, 20 and 21st  in Mapleridge BC Canada will be a superb weekend to be sure.

Am I Amusing Myself with Awareness?

Another great day at San Fransisco's Amusement park. Our third year attending  California's, Great America Disability Awareness Day and I am asking myself the titled question.  Is anybody really listening? Many people campaign to sign you

We ARE Free!

Free to love, accept and understand AUTISM! The Independance to choose happiness and peace with your existence. Exactly what this holiday is designed for. I am exhilerated to see that this choice is becoming quite

Hope and Freedom x 3!!

It is that time again! The Hope and Freedom Film Festival in Long Beach California! Truly an inspiring mission being layed out for stories to be told. Important heart-filled stories. Stories to inspire dialogues that change

Have You Ever Seen a ‘Color-Blind Rainbow’?

I believe most families living on the Autism Spectrum have. It is a very splendid thing to experience. As families take their journey on the AutismHWY you often  find that comforting place. A place of acceptance, of


Whew....I am soO happy and still processing all that occured during our 2nd Annual Chalk Festival!!  Wyatt and I feel especially blessed to have this fantastic spectrum of friends! The day was a true success

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