Last month on April 2nd Wyatt & I met with Paul Detrick of ReasonTV. He was interested in my “take” on the on-going battle. VACCINES?? Did they ~OR~ Did’nt they? I truly believe we will never know the definitive answer to THAT Question. ReasonTV is a libertarian reporting agency fostered by Drew Carey! I did not even know the position they would be taking. I just agreed to be interviewed and away we went!
Quite a leap of faith on my part. It was the day after Wyatt’s 11th birthday.We met with Paul and the camera man in the brand new playground at Library Park here in our town of Monrovia, California. It was a very “low~vibrational” day for Wyatt (no smiles & giggles.) As for me, I am generally “high~vibrational” (unless I am having issues with my 21 yr. old…lol) So the stage was set…lights, camera, action!!
As you can clearly see Wyatt could care-less about the camera. He was so into the weight at the end of his long-deflated Birthday Balloon. Well the balloon could hardly qualify as a balloon, since he popped it 30 minutes after we got it. For Wyatt the popping of the balloon>totally inconsequential. Frankly, he spends more time with the weighted end. Always has. What do I say about that?…”whatever floats HIS Boat!”
Directly after the interview …so many things rolled through my mind…?? Will they spin this a “wrong-way?” Will they make Wyatt appear very morose?? Will I look FAT ?!! lol (Yes on that one!) So I was very surprised to have the finished product pop up in my computer today! It’s very surreal to view yourself and child in this fashion. I like the report very much and I love what Lynn Koegel says near the end of this clip. That if we spent some of the money and time on OTHER Autism-related issues…perhaps we would be further along. I just believe that we are at a COMPLETE IMPASS on this issue!
Whatever the future holds regarding this VERY heavily contested issue…selfishly, does not concern me anymore. I can not go back in time…I can not change AUTISM It is what IT is. Yes , I will always try different strategies, therapies, supplements, diets… I am open to alot of highways in that regard. I truly believe there is validity in all the things we as parents try! We do it because we want the best for our kids. What we need to remember though… is that the “TYPICAL” Idea of what is RIGHT.