What the Mothers and Fathers of toddlers hear everyday!! What the Family & Friends of ASD Individuals wonder!! What ALOT of US wondered this past weekend upon viewing a hate filled facebook group masking as …hmmm COMEDY? ! All of the above …ladies and gentlemen, ALL of the above. Yes, life can be a “wonderland.” In good ways and bad ways. Being the mother of a boy with regressive AUTISM I really wonder somedays. Especially when things were going along ‘swimmingly’ and then the gradual regression. (In Wyatt’s case anyway.) Very PUZZLING!
Very puzzling indeed. This thing called AUTISM. & this thing called “Human Nature!”No I am not “Octo-mom”…just feels that way somedays. So with all the days “Normal Questions” that constantly barrage ASD to have to QUESTION Human Nature. Questioning how adults can post hatred for our different minded children.(?!!) Calling it Funny!! So hurtful and so cruel. Many of these mean- people~ are actually parents themselves. (?!) Soulless parents to some unlucky innocent children. “Why, Wy, Y” has rung in my ears and permeated my brain. Almost as if I had: 8~ 3 yr. olds asking me questions ALL DAY ! Individuals and Family members. It was VERY disheartening.
It shouldn’t surprise me. The world is unforgiving in so many ways. Yet, this just felt so wrong. It was an assault on my senses. Many of us had that “just got kicked in the gut” FEELING! Not nice! Talk about sensory issues. To think that SANE ADULTS could be laughing at and posting nastiness about innocent disabled kids?? It was an eye-opener. Some of these people say,” we should just ignore the fact that they are there reveling in their FILTH!!” In essence leave them alone and don’t JUDGE THEM! Gladly!
We can leave that to the “Big-Guy.” Our on-line AUTISM COMMUNITY is forever trying to pass on HOPE & KNOWLEDGE! I have a nice pair of “Rose-Colored” Glasses I wear while doing that. I Wish I could send them to the creators of this hateful group. Trouble is HATRED is Blinding. It has obviously affected all of these individuals EYE SIGHT ! So, my glasses would be wasted on them. Plus I NEED THEM! lol…
So back to the OG QUESTION…WHY? An astute friend told me that both sides of the “Hate / Love Equation” need to be experienced in order to make the choice to LOVE. Yes, I get that…but, what I will NEVER get is WHY the choice to HATE?!! I have said that Neuro-diversity needs to be CELEBRATED. Only this type of “Diversity” hadn’t even occurred to me. Perhaps, I am sheltered and Naive. Much like my son with AUTISM!!
Maybe we should just stay in our ROSE-COLORED Autism Bubble. Where HOPE and KNOWLEDGE rule. Running on the fuel of POSITIVITY!! Our wonderful on-line AUTISM Community of SANE Adults that don’t create web-pages to laugh at those less fortunate. I am beginning to wonder about the “social-skills” classes SO OFTEN pushed off on Autistics. Has anyone ever thought that perhaps… those classes are needed for the MAINSTREAM ?!! Skills that this hate filled group so sorely lack. The SKILL of being a loving and compassionate human being on our beautiful PLANET!!