Ingrained in your BRAIN, Permeating your SOUL. The HOLY TRINITY?…NOT!! Just the VICE-LIKE GRIP this Damn Disorder can have on our kids! For some kids that grip is VERY INTENSE, while others are on a “SHORT LEASH.” Are you picturing my analogy? I have learned to try and “Think in Pictures,” thus…trying to “Write in Pictures.”

I do this because I have SEEN THE LIGHT! The light that TEMPLE GRANDIN has shown on Autism for years now. THANKYOU ETERNALLY Ms. Temple Grandin!!! I have dubbed her the AUTISM SUPERHERO! SO… NOT an overstatement. Her ability to explain autism on levels never described before IS MONUMENTAL! I am forever singing her praises and asking people if they viewed her recent Biography on HBO!?

I am dumbfounded when I find someone working with autistic people that is’nt familiar with TEMPLE! She should be REQUIRED READING for Teachers,Aides and Therapists alike. Her books are BEYOND FABULOUS! Her ability to think visually is stunning! Especially to someone like me with a non-verbal family member. Furthermore…she cuts right to the chase! None of that therapeutic mumbo- jumbo some professionals like to bog us down with. Her visualizations read perfectly through her words.

So, the next time you parents are purchasing Christmas or Graduation gifts for your SPECIAL ED TEACHERS… By all means GO GRANDIN! I mean we all Love a STARBUCKS CARD! However, this gift will help them get through the day in a different way. A way that will be more beneficial to your SONS and DAUGHTERS!! The gift that trickles down! In a great way!!

The LIGHT that Ms. Grandin has shown us is BRILLIANT! The knowledge she imparts is invaluable. I read an AMAZING ANALOGY of hers that SAYS IT ALL! In regards to the new brain scans and mapping of the electrical images. Ms. Grandin desribes the results in this way. Imagine the “autistic brain” as if its a lantern in a cabin in the dark wilderness. Now think of a “typical brain” as a bunch of lamps lit up in a lamp store! ENOUGH SAID!!

Read up PEOPLE, this is an IMPECCABLE SOURCE for STRAIGHT TALK on our “friend”….AUTISM!

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