What a great big beautiful world we live in! It is such a blessing and a gift opening your eyes every morning, to whatever the weather may be. Our lives diagnosed or not are a precious GIFT. A gift we are given to appreciate and make the most of. To be creative with that which we have been given. So much of life’s lesson…is right there , in the proverbial nutshell. In my 49 yr. old mind I see so clearly how a person’s attitude in regard to this core issue of perception is at the root of it all. The power to allow HAPPINESS to rule the moment, day, week , month, year= in one’s LIFE!
It is a choice. Some people are happy to be discontented for many reasons…I see it as an excuse to wallow in pity. To not take action. So something that disheartens you…now owns you. Prevailing over the majority of moments? Today I was called Pollyanna~ish*!! By ‘the King of Funny Faces’!! Quite amusing. However, the King is right.!! When I was 19 I had a dear friend trying to appeal to me then…”I am going to rip those rose-colored glasses off your face and smash ’em.” she said!! haha Well, 30 years later…guess I haven’t changed-much!!
I liked a comment I saw today regarding this glaring difference in people’s inherant natures. “What is the alternative to alot of optimism…misery? I choose optimism!! ” My thoughts exactly Heather E. Sedlock! thanks for that. Diagnosis or not as previously stated we are all spiritual creatures that thrive with a certain amount of upliftment and empowerment. I surround myself with people that encourage this mindset. No matter the problem or set-back you come across as you seek your perfect utopia… please, keep pushin’ with a smile. A negative mind set just creates more road-blocks and reasons for you to expect failure and feel constant discontent. No one has a perfect HWY to hoe. Remember that and, that encouragement can be a big pick me up. Everyone should own a pair of my glasses! It does’nt mean you need to wear them everyday! Honestly that would be impossible! All I am saying is, just knowing they are handy if you need them…will be a great comfort!
* Polly-anna: an excessively or persistently optimistic person!
You can hear that for yourself here in my ANCA Blogradio interview !http://www.blogtalkradio.com/autistic-people-/2011/01/09/autistic-people-people-first?a=y