I am sure many parents in “my shoes” ponder. It really boils right down to that “pesky” pincer grasp! Kids like Wyatt JUST DON’T grasp it. Literally. For years now he has been practicing. Practice makes perfect…isn’t that what “they” say?

Practice, practice, practice…WHY? It does’nt matter to me if Wyatt ever writes a lick! Let me qualify that. On paper…that is. Like the way of the future, computers and communication devices will pave the road for alot of autistics. The path for these kids needs to be defined early on. Many have no troubles with pens, pencils, crayons and scissors. While others like Wyatt just do. O. T. (occupational therapy) deals with these motor skills. Fine and Gross. Yes fine motor skills are needed for so many daily-living skills. However when a child is just not able to successfully write, draw and cut…WHY should that child be continually forced to. Prodded and pushed to meet a goal. A goal that is a battle for another day. Can you say…back-burner?

Why not assess pincer grasp at the get-go. Kids with skills,have at it! Write, draw and cut…woo hoo! Kids that can’t… should concentrate on PECS ( Picture exchange card systems) as they work their way up to computers and communication devices!

As one of Wyatt’s school-district hired assessors told us at an I.E.P. Meeting (Individualized Education Plan) “Choose which battle to fight“. They were’nt listening because they never stopped forcing him to try and write. I wonder do they think that one day these “non-graspers” are going to just wake up one morning…and “wella!” ?? They’ll come to school and it will just happen …from ALL THAT PRACTICE? Would be nice but, I’d rather be real. Learn when its time to stop forcing that issue. Yes work on practicality…fine motor-skills that pertain to daily life and hygiene by all means. However I am O.K. with my child never writing or drawing or cutting paper. Really, what is all the fuss ? Especially with all this technology! Let’s use it…so these kids don’t “lose-it”!

So many times I am told that Wyatt “hates to be wrong.” Well of course he does. He has actually been predisposed to it on a daily basis! How would you feel ?…Everyday you PRACTICE & PRACTICE and still you can’t do it . You can only do it with hand- over- hand help and constant reminder . Oh and don’t forget , you can’t talk to tell them HOW FRUSTRATED you are. So please…Let us cut our losses! There are other hills for Wyatt and those like him to climb. Perhaps there are other ways to write?

In example …this AMAZING LITTLE BOY took an end-run around that “pesky” pincer grasp. Talk about a fighting little spirit!! So AWE INSPIRING! O.T. Therapists may cringe…after-all that is not appropriate! The heck if it isn’t! Clearly it works for him. So who’s to say… if it’s WRONG OR WRITE!?