Angelo, 15 slays the crowd with this awesome DRAGON!

Angelo, 15 slays the crowd with this awesome DRAGON!



Best Buddy Artists Shane and Chris ROCK!

Best Buddy Artists Shane and Chris ROCK!

Carissa's amazing mural....

Carissa’s amazing mural….

The finished mural.

The finished mural.


16 yr old Zach's Batman and friends surrounding his super-hero Mom Sandra.

16 yr old Zach’s Batman and friends surrounding his super-hero Mom Sandra.

It has been 2 full weeks since our 3rd Annual Awareness Chalk~Art Festival ! A huge thanks to all of the many wonderful friends, artists, sponsor/partners and politicians  that have joined us along the way creating this cutting edge day! For the last 3 yrs in a row the 2nd Saturday in April has shown, and shown bright. Not in the rays of blue light, that

Alyssa, 17 shared her heart and trusty friend Shane!

Alyssa, 17 shared her heart and trusty friend Shane!

people have become conditioned to associate with Autism. For us ‘Autism Shines’ in a rainbow of colors. Colors sometime light, sometimes dark and sometime bright.  It has shown people that it IS okay to be different. To be who we are in a rainbow of colors in a rainbow of behaviors and in a rainbow of ideas and trains of thought. So much difference to celebrate and support.

Joel Anderson a studied professional.

Joel Anderson a studied professional.

Kai, an 11 yr. old Artist mapping out his Universe

Kai, an 11 yr. old Artist mapping out his Universe

Autistic Self Advocacy Network!Our FUTURE!!

Autistic Self Advocacy Network!


The talented Bj lane. photo by Jerry O'Brien

The talented Bj lane. photo by Jerry O’Brien


What an amazing Tapestry of TALENT!!!

What an amazing Tapestry of TALENT!!!


Beautiful ART, Inspiring speeches and acknowledging presentations by Senator Ed Hernandez, Mayor of Covina Walter Allen III and Council Members Jorge Marquez and Kevin Stapleton made us feel very accepted and appreciated!!

Senator  Ed Hernandez presents us with much appreciated recognition !

Senator Ed Hernandez presents us with much appreciated recognition !


Council member Jorge Marquez, Kelly Green and Mayor of Covina Walter Allen III . What a great day we had.

Council member Jorge Marquez, Kelly Green and Mayor of Covina Walter Allen III . What a great day we had.

Music by Who’s Clayton was the talk of the event. Kevin Rose, Josh Elmore and Darryl Black are on to something very good! Their original music and awesomely fun twists on old favorites made everyone’s day! Having their good vibrations floating through the air was amazing to say the least.

If you haven’t heard of them yet you will. We are very honored to have had their super-star performance while creating our stellar ART! They were a perfect addition to our fun. After lead singer Kevin Rose won a GRAND PRIZE Conga drum during the raffle we sure hope they will be our Festival band for life!

Josh Elmore, Kevin Rose & Darryl Black = Who's Clayton!!

Josh Elmore, Kevin Rose & Darryl Black = Who’s Clayton!!

It's a beautiful thing!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s a beautiful thing!!!!!!!!!!!

After a day of Chalk and Play a much awaited magical  moment for our San Gabriel Valley kids!! The one and only Ms. Keri Bowers drumming up the amazing inspiration and interaction to connections she holds. TRULY MAGICAL!! Keri has an intuitive way of opening spectrum kids up to possibility. She speaks to ALL of our rocking ‘different drummers’ in ways they can hear the beat! [email protected]

James Carbone's (SGV Tribune) photo of Keri Bower's working her magic.

James Carbone’s (SGV Tribune) photo of Keri Bower’s working her magic.


Someone that knows how important transformation is. Keri, such an amazing Artisan!

Someone that knows how important transformation is. Keri, such an amazing Artisan!



Our sponsors pulled out all of the stops AGAIN!!

AMAZING COMPANIES!! Local & On-Line!! Support them!

AMAZING COMPANIES!! Local & On-Line!! Support them!

Donating cash, products, services and PRIZES!! AMAZING COMPANIES!! Local & On-Line!! Please Support them!

What a way to wrap up the event…with something fun for everyone to try and win…These organizations are winners to champion OUR DAY!! We thank you all greatly!

Helen's Cycles GRAND PRIZE Donation!!!

Helen’s Cycles GRAND PRIZE Donation!!!


Happiness on his AGENDA!!

Happiness on his AGENDA!!


Something for everyone!!

Something for everyone!!

We had an amazing crew of volunteers that brought and set up tables, student volunteers helping with strong supportive hands. Friends putting their heart into our ART! We owe so much to so many helpful, talented and giving friends. Our hats are off to all of you! We could never have done it with out you! We LOVE and honor “Team Chalk!”

Awesome support from Madi, Sheyla, Sandy Jacobs and Ceirstie

Awesome support from Madi, Sheyla, Sandy Jacobs and Ceirstie

 Last year’s guest appearance of Aspie Artist Silke Heyer from Germany was fondly remembered….and LOOK she and her recruits fondly remembered US. Chalking along side of us from where they stand on this fantastic planet.

Universal Good Vibrations...Chalk festival #1 Braunschweig Germany!
Universal Good Vibrations…Chalk festival #1 Braunschweig Germany!


The connection through Art and Autism had us thinking on the same plane literally….California via Germany. With out telling our good friend and partner Silke the plan of wanting  a “Yellow-Brick Road” painted through-out the grounds of the event. (With alas, no time to bring it to life in California) My highly intuitive partner and kindred spirit in ART took care of that WISH in a most beautiful  and telepathic way!

A sparkling and magical pathway to ACCEPTANCE!

A sparkling and magical pathway to ACCEPTANCE!


Follow the Yellow-Brick Road...& CHALK with us...EVERY April on the 2nd SATURDAY!

Follow OUR Yellow-Brick Road…& CHALK with us…EVERY April on the 2nd SATURDAY!


Thank you again to all of the colorful friends that are taking this glorious path to acceptance with

us. SEE YOU next year!