Is there such a thing? I believe yes, there is. As we approach the month of April this is heavy on my mind. I have developed an unstoppable need to create what I have dubbed “Useful Awareness.” Something I do not see a whole lot of. Unfortunate as that is to believe and say. I must. Simply put, I just don’t see it. As I look around I see ribbons and lights. When I’d much rather see “Lights, Cameras and ACTION!”
Action in the form of positive, helpful dialogue. Something seemingly rare. There are people out here trying to change the conversation…like RETHINKING AUTISM. Companies trying to CREATE CONVERSATION are NATURALLY AUTISTIC ANCA with their fantastic naturally Autistic People blogtalk radio station, magazine and AWARDS season every fall! AutismHWY was built to provide a platform for all of this great evolving dialogue. Our common GOAL, to be…interesting, uplifting and enlightening. Unfortunately not 3 adjectives the general population is used to associating with AUTISM.
This is precisely my point. The sad message to be blue and march for money is old. We need NEW happy messages. The messages have to change. Embrace your live’s diagnosis, accept the things you can not shift. Shift the things you can. It is a much healthier way to live and a much healthier way for the world to perceive AUTISM! What can we expect from everyone else if our own community is in constant anxiety. Fighting over scientific realities…and even the word, fighting over the semantics of the word Autism as opposed to the word Autistic. Ridiculous…to say the least when we have plenty of issues without manufacturing new ones!
I would ask every parent of an Autistic child to meet an Autistic Adult. Look into the future…see it for what it is. NOT what you were programmed to believe it is. To me the issue is simple. Love Autism. Love my son. Accept Autistic People. Accept my son. That is my entire Autism Awareness political AGENDA! My son will need life-long help. I need the world to stop messing around and understand Autism. That means learning about sensory issues and learning about the differences in processing. Not some major companies money making “Awareness Light-up” campaign. Once everyone knows its Awareness month or day…can we please tell them something useful??
When TV pays attention to AUTISM it is generally very fleeting. Usually geared at the general knowledge…that (I believe) isn’t even out there. So invariably every April…some recycled vaccination stories will pop up, usually accompanied by some celebrity with a book. What does that do to further along awareness? Looking up at a building that is lit blue…WHAT DOES THAT DO?
Does it clue people in to the fact that autistic people have marketable skills and are great employees? With mentoring and apprentice programs there will be room for ~great success. Does the world realize that Autistic people contribute…by creating jobs? The greater population will benefit by the focus Autism can bring to life. People and technology have gone so far afield. Autism is a way to bring us back to the natural. A way for people to re-connect with people. Working together by understanding the differences in brainstyles, how each style compliments the other. To learn about these processing styles has been such an eye-opener for me. Making me VERY AWARE!! Aware that the only things that truly matter are NOT things. The things that matter are heart and soul.