horseThere is a distinct Autistic learning flow. Go with it. That’s what we believe. If something is clogging that flow, define and understand why things are not flowing for your Autistic loved one. Respect what you are verbally OR non-verbally being told and build ways to slip past the barrier in your current, current. There is always a fluid work around in life and Autism. If one method isn’t creating flow…


Create a wave… 

shake it up and try something ‘completely different.’ Doing what makes sense to your Autistic loved one is always best practice and where we should naturally start. Not often enough, is this approach even considered. Drinking in the knowledge from the Autistic tree of life and learning from people that really know Autism is the most logical method. The Autistic elders in the community and throughout the world are right here on line eager to help. Creating hubs, websites, stores and publishing companies to share their products and truths that so many WON’T HEAR. Go against that negative flow and LISTEN to their Autistic words of wisdom.

Introduce yourselves to a whole new culture and fluid universe! 

People that will help you see Autism in crystal clear focus. In respectful, USEFUL and pragmatic ways. Unclogging all of the personal and uber-emotional energy that people have relegated to Autism is a herculean task. Detaching ourselves from those previously held: negative teachings, ideals, beliefs, confusions, egos and privilege does NOT come easy or just happen overnight. Releasing inhumane beliefs and practices that never served Autistic people is an on going process. It should not be painfully prolonged or delayed as we have all waited long enough. It may be a rough transition but, we believe Autistic people need to be in the driver’s seat on the AutismHWY. Move over and allow them to steer us toward smooth solution. 

Refresh your Autistic loved ones and selves with healthy and useful Autism respect.

Things will flow both ways much more freely in families once you are able to strip yourselves from ego and the non-stop stress of human comparisons and competitions. Try a fresh new approach and respect something you may have believed you would never flow past. Try internalizing what Autistic people feel and percieve. Begin to see the world from their Autistic angle. Be mindful of the things you say and do that can harm their hearts, souls and psyches. Listen to their concerns, validate them and pledge to change for the better.PLEASE don’t brand them as bullies and radicals and ask them to tell you in another tone. Validate their anger and speak to them respectfully and then we can ALL  tone it down. It’s about innerstanding something that doesn’t come naturally to your own mind so it will take practice and time to get things right. This is what has fascinated us from the moment we began our many Autism projects. We set out to share our accepting perspectives with the world and we found a world- filled with ALL of the relevant Autism information ANY family needs right in the minds of our Autistic friends.


Autism flows and is NOT puzzling when you are connected…

to the emerging Autistic culture and the insightful perspective these Autistic adults freely share.  Please don’t resist this priceless knowledge because they demand respect. (?) Don’t resist quenching your Autism IQ needs and learning opportunities because of shocking unfamiliarity, perceived tonal dissonance, your own insecurities or an unwillingness to learn from unexpected sources. Fill your cup to the brim with it’s richness instead. Be thankful for the wealth it will bring to your families.

Don’t shoot these amazing messengers or their allies. Everyone that understands Autism is coming to this realization. Autistic people hold the answers we all seek concerning AUTISM. Can we stop pretending differently; amplify and implement their IDEAS and get on with this NEW PARADIGM!?


PLEASE…Drink the water filled with Autistic truths!

Your Autistic children and your family’s life will BE REFRESHED BY IT!!