Will be happening, NON~STOP!! Next Saturday on September Eleventh. Come on out to California’s GREAT AMERICA Theme Park in beautiful, sunny Santa Clara!!
AutismHWY.com is counting down the minutes!! Literally…the minutes to our ~Fun DAY for AutismAwareness~ and the LAUNCH of the website! 
AutismHWY has been “under construction” in one form or another since April of 09! It has been a long journey and very exciting to be working on widening the Autism Information HWY!! We all have layers and layers of info to share… and for that we need MANY extra lanes!! I guess you can hear my California Freeway mentality! lol Communication has been referred to as a “2~Way Highway” In some cases VERY TRUE!! In the ASD World. Very RARE!! Many, many avenues must be incorporated and used JUST to navigate daily life!
This is a good thing. It adds to the fabric and fun of our lives! Thinking outside of the box.FREEWAY of thought for DIVERSITY!” ASD STYLEHARMONY!! Coming from all walks of “thought” into the mainstream. Living side by side in parallel lanes!! Travelling the HWY’S of our lives! “On the
So…that being said, get me back on the HWY. The Pacific Coast Hwy…and straight to California’s Great America. AUTISM AWARENESS and an “ALL~YOU~ CAN~EAT” B.B.Q. are on the Menu! Should be alot on your plate and very SATISFYING! Learn more about the other great Organizations that will be participating
By clicking here… http://www.cagreatamerica.com/events/event_detail.cfm?event_id=435&ec_id=13
C.A.R.D , Children’s Health Council, elca , Faces of Hope , I Can Too Learning Center , Spectrum Center , STEPS Therapy , The Treehouse Inc. , TUCCI Learning Solutions , Hillview Prep , Autism Speaks NorCal , pace & Angels on Stage ! An AWESOME Line-Up for the BIG~DAY!
I am so looking forward to having an afternoon to speak with families about their experiences on the SPECTRUM!! We ASD Families have some challenges that can take you from the darker sides of life to the completely lighter side of life Sometimes, all in the same day!…NEVER BORING!! Always learning new ways to manage. The AUTISM TRENCHES are meant to be shared!! Can’t wait for our families to meet their comrades!! lol
The park OPENS at 10:00 a.m. and the FUN lasts until 8:00 p.m. A Full Day with helpful information to boot! The more people that take the time to examine the world of AUTISM the better. The world of AUTISM has a lot of practical ideas that apply TO ALL PEOPLE!
So come learn, live and have fun!! There will be many FUN ACTIVITIES at each of the Organizations Booths…Fun and INFO!! AutismHWY will be holding a coloring contest. Let your child shine creatively!! Fun and prizes for a few…Giveaways for ALL!! We also have a special awareness logo we would like everyone to spread!! ( with a few special surprises as well!) Shhh… So much fun…EVEN Before you TRY ALL of the Awesome Attractions!! Please see them all on the website with fun descriptions!!