Was conceived by Lora Mancini…implemented by San Dimas California. And brought to life by all of us parents!! It takes a group-effort and that we have had! Yes we still have 3 games to play in this opening SEASON but, I am just so grateful! Yesterdays action was as fun as ever!! The sun was high a nice breeze drifting through…and tons of smiles rounding the bases!! The perfect afternoon!
Wyatt is enjoying it now more than ever. I see him smile with pride when everyone calls for him to bat. “C’mon Wyatt get your helmet”, ” Your-turn Wyatt”!! He does this chirping laugh when he is particularly happy. Now his “A-League ” buddies are hearing that CHIRP!! Definitely SOMETHING to TWEET about!!!
There is alot of movement being made. You can physically see it in my photos! While going through my gallery I had to laugh at Wyatt’s face on opening day …he was literally squinting at me. Squinting and probably, wondering what is all this pomp and circumstance?! What was the big-deal ? It is just baseball people. A little round ball that I don’t really mess with. He was wondering what was in store for him?? TOO CUTE!
This weeks game pictures of Christy were amazing! I actually had known Christy! Before… I discovered she was on the “A-LEAGUE” Braves! Wyatt and Christy had attended 2 summer day-camps together at Casa Colina in Pomona Ca. I am a parent that needed to stay on premises due to toileting issues so, I enjoyed seeing all the different kids. I had an instant fondness for Christy. She is very high-maintenance…needing lots of 1 on 1 ! Yesterday she was on fire… looking like quite the player!!
So amazing to see big changes in these players. From A to Z ! The bottom-line is this A- league is a big HIT!!
A Grandslam actually !! The players are rounding the bases…but the impact is hitting home with ALL OF US!! Parents, Siblings, Grandparents,Cousins…Caring Aunts & Uncles, Therapists it runs the gamut! I have even seen an x-teacher or 2 “checking-up” on a former student. SO HeartWARMING!!
EXACTLY what I have been planning~ for AutismHWY ! A Place for ALL of US to SUPPORT Our A.S.D. Family members and Their support TEAMS !! Linking US together through interests and commonalities . Perhaps, making connections with someone through a difference. So much HELP, INFORMATION and FUN ! It will be such an amazing network of inspirational people with MANY stories and ideas to share!
PROMOTING FRIENDSHIPS through COMMON UNDERSTANDING!! Making a HWY. to Pave our Awareness and Artistic and Athletic ENDEAVORS!! It is where we all are going!