It’s a simple request. Yet often seems hard to fill. We work tirelessly at trying to get the world to STAND UP and take notice. Stand up for AUTISM! This busy buzzing world we live in. The revolving layers upon layers of matter. Physical and spiritual. So much constantly going on. I of course am so immersed in my world…”The Autistic Community” that is building. Autistic adults working together with parents of children with Autism. For the greater good.
As I like to say, “It’s a beautiful thing!” We see it. NOW~~to help others see it. For so many years the negative images and sad stereotypes have dominated popular culture. One movie…captured the attention of the world and closed their minds to reality. Autism is not “Rainman.” A very entertaining movie yet, not a great perception for the masses. Another movie is now here to erase the damage Rainman did. “Temple Grandin” produced by HBO. My Autism Awareness wish…is that everyone on the planet that has not seen this movie… WILL !
There are so many reasons to accept Autism and make friends with it!! This is the thinking behind, my Kid’s Coloring Books and the fabulous coming event!! The 1st Annual Show you Care~Be Aware CHALK FESTIVAL! At Caliornia Burgers 353 E. Foothill Blvd. AZUSA, Cal.
We are bridging to each other and the community!! We are tired of isolation and no community events geared towards reaching out as friends. There are such growing numbers for people on the spectrum…it’s time the world became acquainted with us. Acquainted with real people with Autism and Aspergers. Not Dustin Hoffman’s brilliant stereotypical performance of one individual. If people learn anything else…realize that like everything in this world. Autism comes in all shapes and sizes!
Saturday morning April 16th 10:00 a.m ~3:00 p.m. please come on out and see for yourself. We will be celebrating our talents and practicing our skills with chalk! Raising Awareness and thoughts for a more accepting world. ART brings hearts and minds together and this is what we aim to do! Artist Bj Lane the mother of an Adult Daughter with Autism will share her amazing perspectives through her brilliant use of color. We are so honored and thrilled by her SPECIAL APPEARANCE! I have seen her in action and cannot wait for the designs in store for us !! Please explore her beautiful style here…
Several other artists are signed on…myself and my amazing book and project partner Rachel Walker . Take a peek at her amazing world of talent here She will pop by and whip up some of her special brand of magic! Another very exciting development~~ Author/ Artist /Entrepreneur/Aspie…Jan Beaver Coad …will travel down and design a square and share her inspirations with ALL!! She has alot of amazing things to share, show and sell. I feel so blessed to be surrounded by such Awareness Angels!! Fun artistic ones!!!
There will be some Designers of hand crafted jewelry with their creations for sale that will definitly beautify your lives!!… We will have copies of the 1st ever~Naturally Autistic Magazine created by an Autistic Staff! That alone is worth the trip! Books, Info and Useful INFORMATION galore!! Let the little ones roll up their sleeves and test their abilities! I will have a kiddie corner for “Jr. Artists”…pre-drawn shapes and lots of colors! California Burgers has an awesome menu with something yummy for everybody…and I’m sure Grace Lee the owner/proprietor will have a “Chalk~Fest Special” cooked up! So come on out and see all the FUN, ART & TALENT that the spectrum can hold. As we reach out and share within all communities across the globe! When given the chance this community will wow you!! OUR FANTASTIC SUPPORTERS!!