…But DIFFERENT! Nice phrase! Here at AutismHWY.com we believe that…that is exactly what makes the world go round! Global thinking…It’s a BIG beautiful differing world we live in ! This profound saying has “come home” to Wyatt on a T~shirt for several yrs. now.
When Army Veteran Grampa BOB comes back from yet another Viet Nam trip. Same~ Same but Different! When you apply that to people on the spectrum verses typicals… truer words were never spoken.
Seems this saying is what the vets and villagers in Viet Nam have used to communicate for years! Arms are open …embracing the differences and celebrating the exchange! Much like what will happen once the AUTISMHWY is fully operable!!! People enjoying the “culture”~~OR the “actions”…the differences of others! Truly where human growth and spirituality come from.
The positive affects people in the world bring to us. Allowing you to “Fly… from the inside.” Sharing experience is at the very core of our being human!
I love what Dr.Tony Attwood says about the hyper focus and control individuals on the spectrum exhibit. It is to be revered and respected. My thoughts exactly!! Read MORE about Dr Attwood here http://www.tonyattwood.com.au/ Happily I am seeing this attitude more and more! We are ALL EVOLVING! Let’s face it. In the past AUTISM has had people down. Now the tables are turning! With acceptance and understanding..the cards ~are laid-out! The game is recognizable. Everyone can win!!
So as understanding and knowledge about individuals on the Spectrum becomes common. We can forge ahead!” SAME…SAME, But DIFFERENT!” People in the same world on different planes. Or people on the same plane in different worlds. However you view it…there is enough room for us to celebrate and respect what the other brings to the table! A” melting-pot luck” if you will!!
Realizing that we all have something outstanding to offer this world, is what keeps us motivated! That sense of accomplishment and self worth We all need it daily! We deserve it! Just like our sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, cousins and friends on the spectrum.
In the past there haven’t been the venues for this TALENTED POPULATION! Now I see that changing and what a great day it is!! Autistic only sports leagues, award venues, art shows, musical productions & theatrical presentations!! Heck even a story-lines on network prime time tv! Woo Hoo…seems like We are arriving!!