Yes~ you have heard that before. Yes~ it does seem that roadwork is NEVER completed! lol…Some cities more than others! Those “Big Project” construction signs always amaze me. This to be completed 2012…”2 and 3 yr. builds and contracts” are nothing new for California Highways.There are so many existing freeways plus the work to widen and add more. We can virtually criss~cross all over the state if we want to!! Some do with all the varied therapies from community to community!!

Well, after a 1 yr. plan and build the AutismHWY is almost travel ready!! I have been working so closely with our amazing construction crew!! Our “CalTrans.” So to speak!

They have been such a pleasure professionally and personally. Just an amazing company! Understanding all of my concepts and learning about the SPECTRUM in order to do an excellent job. Very thoughtful, efficient and SUPER CREATIVE! I really can’t say enough about them! Soon we will be fine tuning all of the actions of the site. My hopes are all goes smoothly as we pave out these final touches!! You KNOW ME…I will assuredly keep you posted!!

As we approach our whole NEW hopes that we will stimulate Awareness through common UNDERSTANDING. Once the world has a working knowledge about what ASDBRIGHTEREVERYONE!! Liberate your minds because the road is going to become less narrow once the AutismHWY is open for traffic!

It will be a whole new space for people to Connect AND Create on the SPECTRUM! My hope is that complete support teams link up~ with other complete support teams!! Then A.S.D. Individuals and their families,friends and caretakers…can link with others making a huge network to live a more supported life. With this many people linking and learning we can teach everyone else with no ASD experience “What time it is.”TIME FOR CHANGE!♥ ♥ ♥