Back from an amazing event!! On an AMAZING day. The 9 yr. anniversary of the most infamous day in U.S. history. For the country to have been put in such a position. The incredible strength and DETERMINATION this country has to have battled back from CATASTROPHE! That is the SPIRIT!! The spirit it takes to fight the good fight! The spirit we as ASD families must muster!! is so honored to have been a part of such fun and IMPORTANCE! “The fight to help spread AUTISM AWARENESS!!” Thank you so much to~THE Fun & Only~ California’s GREAT AMERICA in Santa Clara Ca.for holding this event!
It is opportunities like this that help the general public to realize that our voices matter!! We have ALOT to say AND We like to have FUN too ! ~’California’s GREAT America’~ is an AWESOME Park!! It is beautiful~ from top to bottom.The rides are thrilling and SPECTACULAR!! The grounds are SO… open, airy and green. WOW! Beautiful tall trees and coasters galore!! I must mention there is an amazing Wisteria~Vine TUNNEL!! I was enchanted by it!! It is so huge that it has many benches underneath! A sensory heaven for ANYONE!! ASD or NOT!! I am definitely booking a trip next year when it is in bloom!! WOW! That being said…
The AWARENESS EVENT was fantastic! Meeting the children and adults was such sweet fun!! I will love to do this at every turn! Talking to folks about ASD issues has become so important to me. The children and adults I met last Saturday afternoon were awesome!! Twice ~I learned of programs started by passionate families filling a NEED!! School programs which encourage understanding and the need to inter-act with others differently abled! “Kids helping kids” was what one program was called! Just, BRILLIANT. Exactly what our ASD Individuals NEED!! Their contemporaries being “right there” with them! The siblings informing me of this program were such amazing kids. I could literally see them beaming with pride when they told me of their groups. It makes my heart soar to think how the world could CHANGE when all kids feel that need. That unselfish need to be a part of something “bigger than their own egos.” I say the sooner they learn that concept the better. For kids to be so selfless and compassionate is a beautiful thing that should and WILL spread! I FEEL IT !!
AutismHWY will be working on helping that concept along HOWEVER possible! In our minds it is integral that our children peers UNDERSTAND A.S.D. ISSUES!! Even individuals with no direct experience. When our kids can just be themselves with love, understanding and acceptance…we will rest. It is not a lot to hope for. I believe in the human spirit wholeheartedly…and these kids are the embodiment of that! BRAVO to all involved with implementation of kids mentoring kids with autism! This will be a WONDERFUL NEW TREND I am sure!!
The partners at the event were also fantastic! I had so much fun talking to all that I could! I love being surrounded by Autism Advocates! Creative, caring and positive people to say the least!! Thanks for the day to ALL of you!!
Of course this AUTISM BLOG would not be worth it’s salt without some simple Autism Reality! Something I am fully prepared for as a rule…however, this one did surprise me.
As a lot of you know ~an Autistic person gets overwhelmed by environmental and sensory stimulus. This feeling of overload can send a person into a panic/ meltdown. Meltdowns escalate and de-escalate. It becomes a bit of an ART in interpreting the ways to deal with and or prevent these meltdowns! Well , about 2 hrs into the days events my son Wyatt had a doozy!!
The music was LOUD…my brother placed a wrist-band on Wyatt’s arm…who by the way, had been up early while we prepared for the day AND he hadn’t yet had his lunch. So all factors led to a bad result for…my arms!! Wyatt began his meltdown…I sprang into action and the PINCHING began!! lol… He is a bit of a crab. When he lashes out in “this mode” …pinching is his M.O.! Surprisingly, it took me 20 minutes to get him mellow!! I tried deep pressure…no results there`he was not amenable to being touched at that moment! Next wrist and joint compressions, which he at least allowed. At one point he held his arm out for more… OR it could have been to take off the wrist band? lol Not sure! However when that was done …he calmed considerably. Whew…After that the day continued nicely. His favorite swinging type ride was taken over and over again, giving him the time of his life!! & Sensory INPUT Deluxe! We explored the rest of the park and the AMAZING ATTRACTIONS! Really larger than Life!! The bungee action rides will take your breath away!! That’s meant for the people WATCHING!! Imagine if that was you on the cord!!? WOW!!!
We had a delicious BBQ Picnic in the immaculate Picnic Grove!! Charlie Brown came by and had some “one on one time” with Wyatt!! It was so cute he saw Wyatt playing/stimming with his whiffle ball. After high-fiving
Wy, he reached out for the ball. Instinctively Wyatt recoiled. After he thought a moment, or two he held it out to Charlie Brown!! Funny enough… Charlie tapped and stimmed, communicating volumes to my sweet non-verbal boy!! You are a “good man”…Charlie Brown!! BRAVO!! We can’t wait to come back again SOON!! There will be ALOT MORE Ground to cover FOR SURE !!!A VERY SPECIAL Thanks to Miss Ashley Chapin! You are a Joy and a Pleasure to work with! Your skills with organization and communication go far beyond your years!! AutismHWY takes it’s hat off to you for this day being so pleasurable for ALL!! You are an Autism Angel for sure!!