GREAT~America…on 9~11!!

September 1st, 2010| It is so fitting that California's Great America Theme Park is holding AUTISM AWARENESS DAY on this auspicious date! When I first heard about this it seemed like a cosmic alignment! Just like the amazing coincidence at the recent EMMY AWARDS!! The cosmic alignment that allowed Miss Temple Grandin to win 5 emmys for


August 25th, 2010|

Time for another Artists and Autism HIGHLITE! For new readers~ A & A is a brilliant webpage on facebook! Focusing and showcasing ART on, in and around the SPECTRUM!! People with ASD's and their care-givers are some of the most talented people on the planet! Has anyone ever seen or heard of Stephen Wiltshire...?

“WHY…WY…Y ???”

August 23rd, 2010|

What the Mothers and Fathers of toddlers hear everyday!! What the Family & Friends of ASD Individuals wonder!! What ALOT of US wondered this past weekend upon viewing a hate filled facebook group masking as ...hmmm COMEDY? ! All of the above ...ladies and gentlemen, ALL of the above. Yes, life can be a "wonderland."


August 20th, 2010|

Very beautiful, very soothing , very ZEN!! VERY ~AUTISM FRIENDLY~! A little bit of EDEN right here in California!! We just returned from our annual trip! Sunday was a perfect day to enjoy all of that beauty and more. The weather was warm and sunny with lots of shade and water to keep cool if


August 17th, 2010|

Let's hope so!! Especially if you're "UP THE CREEK!!" Seriously though, something very fun and exciting is on the horizon! Locally~ here in Marina Del Rey at the MARINA DEL REY BOAT RENTALS 13719 FIJI WAY, MDR . The amazing organization "The Global Autism Project "has GREAT EVENTS planned!! ~"Paddle for Autism" ~How much fun


August 8th, 2010|

Seems some people feel that way about their OWN family members. Well, yes everyone knows the jokes that follow when the "in-laws" are coming for a visit. Take my mother-in-law...PLEASE!! Husbands have been known to pitch a tent in their garage or man-cave...whatever you want to call it. I call it the "Ostrich Affect." The

AutismHWY to a …”GREAT America!!”

August 5th, 2010|

Yes folks, that is exactly where we are headed! I am just so glad to be on that ride!! Literally AND Figuratively!! The ride to Santa Clara California's Great America... & their AUTISM AWARENESS DAY and the ride to the "More Enlightened" Great America...coming soon! The more Autism Aware AMERICA!! It has been a long

A Whole NEW Perspective!

August 2nd, 2010|

Finally! We are seeing "IT!" This whole NEW PERSPECTIVE. This amazing and beautiful perspective from a population previously not seen. Well, let the UNVEILING Continue! The unveiling that has been happening on a daily basis on our favorite fb page. ARTISTS and AUTISM!! This is my 3rd highlight blog. Each week, heck each day we


July 31st, 2010|

It is ALL we can do. We were born, we are, and we grow. Inside and out. In all shapes and directions. That is EXACTLY what makes life so damn interesting!! Some allow the boundaries to really soar, While others ground themselves. That my friends is the human condition in a "Nutshell!" All except for

The Much NEEDED “Re~FOCUS!!”

July 28th, 2010|

We all need one from time to time! In AUTISM speak it is called "RE-DIRECTING the energy" Well, we ALL do it. Sometimes we go down the garden path, get lost, stumble... and PERHAPS we fall. The best of us get back up and re-direct our energy in a more productive and positive fashion MARCHING-

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