Yes! Be deliberate about your life! Be on pupose. It is Thanksgiving time here in the states. So being ‘on purpose’ at this time of year usually means a long grocery list and alot of rushing around! You also often hear people say: “We are Thankful.” Funny when I think about it , it seems this is the only time of year I really hear that particular phrase. People will list their things that they are thankful for and then mindlessly dig in to the food prepared from the prior list mentioned. Engorge themselves, lay back and watch football OR countdown the minutes until the mad dash to Christmastime bargain hunting!
That always seemed so “normal” to me before. Not anymore…as the Mom of a different learner*. (*An amazing boy on the AutismHWY!) I have found that being thankful is something I am, on a minute by minute basis. For a smile, a glance, a wave that seems “like a real wave” lol…Anything that happens can be a miracle. Autism brings a real naturalness back to life in that regard. The little natural things become the big things! Not what the traditions and manufactured rituals of people and businesses have programmed into us! That is what I am NOW Thankful for. Sure, I love, turkey and trimmings, football on TV, days off of work and YES~ even”Black Friday”…who doesnt need a bargain?
But, when we think about our lives and the purpose of them… It is not for pure entertainment and those industries to become richer and richer. For society to become so dependant on materialism. Somehow people have lost sight of everything they have that was not man-made. Industry and Hollywood have a strong reach and alot of bills to pay. People must be programmed to need gadgetry and entertainment 24/7. That serves their purpose. But, has it served ours as a society? I look around and see alot of unthankful people with alot of unneccessary stuff. That demand everything be upgraded. What we need is people realizing they need to be Thankful every day, for even the most miniscule of happenings…not just an annual recurring obligatory listing of “family, health and friends” some Thursday on the way to Christmas.
People with purpose. Living their lives for gratitude. Finding a mission that is bigger than themselves. Something positive that brings purpose and hope to your world. This is the ‘on purpose’ I speak of. Let’s as a society be more than Thankful on turkey day. let’s enjoy the little tiny natural moments that people do…smile, glance, wave…LOVE and RESPECT with delibrate grattitude for the chance to do it.Let’s live with it everyday.
Extreme DAILY gratitude!! That is what Autism has brought to my psyche. THAT is what I am thankful for every small and big moment of my life.