
That’s me, one of the many million lucky beings on this planet.  Today is our day to celebrate that label of fate or not! We all have memories and stories we share about our origins. “Our Mothership” lol. Some wonderful and others, not so wonderful.  The older I become the more I see the depth of the language people choose and the concepts not always seen at first glance. I no longer skim over words and thoughts a person reveals. I carefully contemplate and assign energy to each and every layer of their process. People do say what they mean when you listen deeply. Our Mother’s become so integral as to how we see ourselves and define our futures. Reading the thoughts and experiences from friends on-line today have me contemplating it all. Motherhood and all that is demanded and expected from it. YIKES, when you think it through you may be finding a day ‘assigned’ to that a bit overwhelming!

The blessed Mother....

The blessed Mother….


Mom on a mission, Super Mom, Warrior Mom…Autism Mom??…NO, I like to keep it simple. Just a Mom. That is enough.





God saw fit to bring Wyatt into my life to inspire me. Inspire me to take my energy into a field of thought. A field of thought needing to be written by many Autistic people; Mom’s, Fathers, brothers, sisters, daughters and sons. Authentically written from the depths of what instincts are telling us. Change your perspective about your energy in the universe. Your origin your perception your mothership.

LOVE is instinctual. Looking at things from all angles is learned!!

LOVE is instinctual. Looking at things from all angles is learned!!

 LOVE is instinctual. Looking at things from ALL ANGLES is learned!!