Grown Up Autism…
That’s exactly where we are headed as a culture, shifting away from an outdated Autism ‘thought bubble’ that people have been stuck in. The bubble that does not see Autism as it is. A bubble of thought that does not value Autistic children or adults enough… to honor their powerful Autistic points of view. A bubble that does not even identify Autistic people as equals. A bubble we seek to burst! This narrow view that has heretofore hindered the grown up Autistic vision we believe, perceive and offer the world.
A vision which includes a world full of “physical and emotional equality supports” for Autistic people at all ages and stages.
Our big beautiful picture of equanimity.
On the highway to the 7th Annual ANCA World Autism Festival this ‘thought bubble divide’ strikes me now more than ever, as the true cause of the Autism divide. A divide prevalent between most professionals together with some parents of Autistic people and the Autistic people themselves actively co-creating and advocating in the community for their own unalienable rights.
“Great Autism Divide.”
Equality for Autistic people is unequivocal. It is or it isn’t, you either get that…or you don’t. The schism of people that have juvenile ideas about Autism equality and how to interact with and perceive Autistic people VS the people that have very adult ideas about Autism equality and how to interact with and perceive Autistic people…
As I board the plane from LAX to the 2016 ANCA World Autism Festival in Vancouver this concept circles and hovers over my brain as if my mind is the airport runway control tower…
United Minds, HeARTS and Souls
After five years away, landing in ANCA territory felt like a warm welcoming home. The 2011 INAP Award’s Event we attended, meant the world to us. Connecting with young and old that respect Autism on joyful adult levels was the most refreshing thing felt then and again, in the NOW! Every delegate and participant from 81 to 4 yrs. old traveling to Vancouver for ANCA’s festival is energetically changed forever. The full board of acceptance and understanding brings abundance to the table everyday of this gathering. It’s a visceral and sensual bounty of goodness for Autistic people, their families and the industry seeking to support them ALL. A naturally rich community brimming with the knowledge that we all have something wonderful to contribute with or without the competiton. Having that direct experience of connection to Autistic culture opens hearts, minds and arms toward the myriads of difference life gifts to us ALL. A natural unspoken knowledge of alignment exists within the participants of the ANCA World Autism Festival . Unleashing a co creative flow which is vibrant, successful and unstoppable.
Co creating Autistic equality globally…
Uniting people that want to follow Autistic advice is a very powerful connection. People and companies that seek to employee Autistic people into the infrastructure of their organizations and events is what we seek. It is what levels the so called ” playing field.” It’s what has already been created in many instances. COMPLETELY in the instance of Naturally Autistic ANCA;
Autistic People creating a worldwide EVENT which becomes a platform for Autistic People to emerge from while launching careers and connection to culture!
This IS the future for Autistic people and most importantly the world. Respecting that there are differing ways of EQUALLY experiencing the world and that Autistic people are creating a world more naturally inclusive of the entire human experience. Experiences that many people in society have honestly glossed over and denied. Experiences Autistic people demand. Beautiful natural experiences vibrating in every moment of the ANCA World Autism Festival.
Every innovative and loving person can be involved in creating best practice for Autistic people by respecting Autistic people as EQUALS in this human experience regardless, of our systemic differentials. Creating new and innovative ways which make sense to and for Autistic comfort and success! That is what the ANCA World Autism Festival is really all about.

Italian Artist Lisa Perini eloquently accepting her award with brother Alessandro’s translating support.

Leonora Gregory Collura speaking on the importance of cultural connection with Consulate General of Turkey!

“We must control our message. We must be the powerhouse behind our community as it expands.” ~Leonora Gregory-Collura