I love flowers most females do. Flowers are full of…well, more flowers. Have you ever noticed that so many flowers hold designs of other flowers within?.Sometimes even the gaps of air between petals forms a design of another flower! If you LOOK. ~Really LOOK.~ At the very fine , very precise details. Typical people are in such a hurry sometimes that they don’t. THEY DON’T LOOK at the fine details! As Temple Grandin so precisely states. Temple says there are 3 kinds of thinkers…VISUAL, PATTERN and VERBAL.

We KNOW the kind I am! “BLOG BLa BLa…!” Although I DO have a very strong visual side AS WELL. So this concept has been very easy for me to grasp onto. Visual and Pattern thinking is more the catagory non-verbal people would fall into. One night while reading things Ms. Grandin has written I came across a stunning document. In this Paper titled,”Do Animals and People with Autism Have True Consciousness?”she compares the way that non-verbal people respond and react to stimulus. Believing it to be much more animalistic. This may seem shocking to some. Yet it rang a bell (a cow~bell* lol ) with me once I began reading. She has many brilliant analogies and references she uses to illustrate her theories. Her descriptions are useful & EASY to UNDERSTAND! Please read her! You can download this article below!!

For the simple fact that as young children we are force-fed the a ~b~c’ s. Don’t get me wrong. We need that nourishment…yet, it will stunt the visual thinking in many. Your mind’s eye will concentrate on the newly aquired alphabet. From there on out… alot of time is spent concentrating on TEXT and NOT PICTURES! So some of the fine details can get lost in that shuffle. The more creative types will STILL visualize, overcoming that tendency. When I visualize autism I see the complexities and the beauty of it. Like looking into a flower. The deeper YOU LOOK the more patterns you see. The beautiful layers that are OUR loved~ones on the spectrum.

It does seem a daunting task to explain AUTISM to a world of very busy individuals! However, since I have finally been out here on the net …there are alot of us with the same intuitions! With all of us telling the “mainstream” they will soon understand! Understand that it’s a “beautiful struggle” this AUTISMHWY we find ourselves on .With all of us putting on our blinkers …SURELY they will let us MERGE IN !! The more information and understanding thats out there the better! On all issues. Someone I was talking to said that the more they look into AUTISM the more they realize the complexities of issues involved. That person went on to say that it was like an onion…layer after layer. That is true…


CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD FULL ARTICLE * “Do Animals and People with Autism Have true Consciousness?” By TEMPLE GRANDIN Dept. of Animal Sciences Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado