It occurred to me that, that is what we do here at!! Expressive activism~ We express our JOY in life…with or without the diagnosis of Autism. We want the world to fall in line with that thinking! I think we, as an emerging community are so far beyond the days of wallowing and grieving. Life will pass us by if we spend all of our days freting, worrying and unhappily waiting for “cures”. While constantly stressing and bemoaning the fact that our children have uncertain futures.
Afterall, that is what the future is always made of…UNCERTAINTY! For all of us despite the crosses we may or may not bear genetically or otherwise. When we arise in the morning it is not assured that we be there when it is time to lay down and sleep. Life is an honor. A privilege bestowed upon us through the cosmos of destiny. What a spectacular thing it is. To be revered and regarded moment by moment. Making the best of every instance. Respecting it fully for it’s simplistc brilliance. So, with an unsure future we carry on expressing ourselves. Expressing how we take in this precious life and how we respond to it. Hoping for others to learn from this and recognize in themselves the many similarities amongst the abject difference.
To me it has felt like a brand new Renaissance. Since I first joined the on-line Autistic populations… Art, Poetry, Photography, Music, Drama~ created by brilliant, wonderful people. Sharing their perceptions in the best ways they know how. Creativly opening windows of light/insight for the world to understand Autism, the human mind and to better understand themselves! One of those amazing people has now left our worldly ranks but, not before he encouraged a wildfire of EXPRESSIONISM for Autistic people and their loved ones.
Jeffrey Michael Kellen a caring educated hard working man from Indiana. Through his infinite wisdom created a wonderful safe haven for Autistic people and co. to connect and express the positive energy we feel in our lives… (contrary to popular belief.) Artists and Autism on facebook is an enclave of talented individuals. A fun and effervescent place to show your talents and to enjoy the talents of other’s. Nurturing self respect and free expression. I am proud to have been chosen to be a moderater of the page by it’s catalystic creator. With challenges we link together daily combining hearts of expression and a desire to change the world for Autistic people. Thankyou, to you Jeff and Kara for pointing people in this awesome direction! Forever helping us to join forces and raise the bars!
In the summer of 2010 Jeff and his beautiful wife Kara sparked something very FUN and IMPORTANT for’s future. Their annual participation in their Indiana community’s Chalk-Walk. Over the course of a weekend the Kellen’s would create masterpieces on the blazing pavement! That summer as I became involved with Artists and Autism, Jeff and Kara honoredand delighted me by choosing 2 of my Autism awareness designs to chalk for the event! To devote their squares raising awareness for Autism rocked my world and many others !!
It also did something else…I will never forget the feelings evoked in me, seeing those amazing images emblazoned so masterfully by Jeff and Kara. At that moment I vowed that would organize an entire Chalk Festival to raise awareness and share the incredible talent that is out there waiting for opportunity!!
PLEASE support this type of FUN and FREE Expression!! Our 2nd Annual “Show YOU Care~ BE Aware” Chalk Festival will be Saturday April 14th….stay tuned for details!!! Inquiries can be mailed to [email protected]