…we need a break!
That is an understatement! As the mother/ caregiver of an individual with autism…RESPITE is a must! The influx of “spa experience” gift giving is a big indication of that! So even though life is hectic it is essential to RE-CHARGE yourself. Please don’t forget this ! So many of us run from appointment to appointment in a mad dash. As if we are on some manic scavenger hunt! Sometimes you just HAVE TO…
…STOP the MADNESS! Take the time to realize that your well-being is JUST AS important as your child’s! If you are not refreshed to a degree, than your service will be subpar. So take the chance to give yourself some SENSORY STIMULATION! AHhhh…just the sound of that puts my mind on the HIGHWAY. The HIGHWAY up NORTH! Here in CALIFORNIA …the road up our coastline is a journey you cannot FORGET! Wyatt has been taking this journey his whole life & he LOVES IT TOO!
Autism can really GET YOU DOWN sometimes. It is a tough companion to be chained to. However, there are some mental escape hatches we can all use on occassion! I use Northern California. There are alot of places in your own neighborhood just waiting. I find alot of solace through plants.Some colleges have free arboretums or gardens that can be toured! Nothing nicer than an afternoon to soak in photosynthesis! SO, GO GREEN!
Hiking a local hill or park will do you a world of good as well. We have become such an “indoor species” in recent years. As a child growing up I can remember times we were just made TO STAY outside AND PLAY! I guess that is just unheard of now…or considered abusive? I’m not sure…I just know that sometimes when I compare my childhood with what I see out there now.It just does’nt translate. There is ALOT to be said for VITAMIN D! I firmly believe that allowing yourself to soak in a little SUNLIGHT the first moment you awake… can change the whole course of your day!
Re-arrange a bedroom if you have to…its SUMMERTIME people. Time for PERKING-UP! Let the SUNSHINE in! If you can’t get away…I have an idea to bring a little something special to your world! Wyatt and I have been planting Sunflowers for years now! MAMMOTH SUNFLOWERS !! They are so fun to tend to. 1 little seed …will GROW just like JACK’S BEANSTALK! The SPECIAL PERSON that you tend to will be right there with you in your efforts! A real labor of LOVE! While you water, watch and wait…TOGETHER! Give it a try, incorporate a little home-made respite to your world!
Before I got side-tracked I was on my way to …telling you about (My RESPITE HIGHWAY!) The Santa Cruz community is one of the most amazing in CALIFONIA! This last Holiday season I passed through again. My brother Kevin & I always enjoy the SANTA CRUZ WHARF and a local artisan store there called “MADEIN SANTA CRUZ!” Check out their awesome site!! http://www.recoverypillow.com/ Most ESPECIALLY…the Za*Zen* ECO-FLEX heating & recovery PILLOW!! .I had a great conversation with the store manager. I told her all about my son WYATT and AUTISMHWY. She was very excited and receptive to the information.Which prompted her to tell me an AMAZING STORY!
Earlier that year she had a family enter the store. A father and non-verbal son with autism. Donna showed them the ZEN-LIKE affects the Za*Zen Eco Flex Pillow has on an individual. By heating or cooling this wonderful lap or neck wrap, you customize how you would like to feel. With the delicate aroma and sensory weight & feel, you start to melt…This particular boy was so overwhelmed with stimulation…he was somehow able to VERBALIZE…”DAD”!!? WOW! What a moment for Donna to be a part of. No such luck with Wyatt but, he does love the sensation and Boony Doone Lavendar! VERY CALMING! Everyone in the family will take away something POSITIVE from the experience!!
So …go ahead and INDULGE yourself every NOW AND ZEN. “ Re-charge“…so you may continue to FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT!