Is there such a thing? Unfortunately… YES! People embarrassed by AUTISM. Sad but true fact. Human nature is such that …imperfections must be hidden. Hence…the proverbial skeleton “in the closet! ” Heaven forbid we should be perceived as LESS THAN perfect. Give me a break!? Can’t we just finally stop with all the pretenses?! NOT A DARNED ONE OF US…is…P E R F E C T !!
Thank Heaven!! So WHY do we expect these amazing ASD indviduals to be PERFECT ? Makes no sense to me. People need to respect Neuro-Diversity. It exists… plain and simple there is just no denying it. BTW…”IT” is not a death sentence. Just like Dana Commandatore’s story…when her Son’s AUTISM diagnosis was given the Doctor said ,”Take the time to grieve.” & Rightly Dana says, “Why? Is he going to die?”SO TRUE! It is not the end of the world. It’s time to get on with the living! She has an amazing mind
…please visit they are doing very cool things toward AWARENESS and THE much NEEDED Re~FOCUS!
A re-focus on understanding and acceptance. No more shame and denial. If the mainstream media and general population had a REAL clue about ASD we would “fit in” better. I know there are families out there that cannot withstand some of the scorn &/or rudeness and are ready to learn. Learn the real truth about AUTISM. Not the all too familiar “catch-phrases” and misnomers . Real SOLID Information that will help the two worlds of thought co-exist.
Co-exist with parents not paranoid about what others in society PERCEIVE. What is wrong with “Society’s Mom” Anyway? Didn’t she teach Society, that “Looks are deceiving”? & “That you can’t judge a book by it’s cover?” lol…Well , I’m just saying people have to STOP being so judgmental. There is a whole GROWING Population of ASD/ Neuro-diverse people that society needs to embrace. I’ve said it before…
Our blinkers are on and we are merging in. The AutismHWY is the road we are on we can’t change that. So we need to enjoy the ride! After all this ride is our life. What we need are AUTISM ROAD~ RULES. Etiquette, Understanding, Enlightenment all of the above . For our Individuals to feel “stable and able.”Accepted in the world and Celebrated “AS – IS.” No embarrassment , No scorn, No denial. Just a softer world of love and acceptance and VENUES for fun and opportunities that ALL PEOPLE ENJOY. It truly IS a civil right!RE THINK AUTISM! Realize it is NOT a DEATH Sentence. It is a LIFE Sentence . One to be enjoyed together co-existing in peace. So for those that will ask a therapist with a puzzle piece auto sticker to not park in front of their home. Please…
So…with the ROAD RULES being laid down and all the ISSUES being understood. It WILL HAPPEN! The merging of two Highways…”the Mainstream” & “the AutismHWY”. Traveling the highways and byways in parallel lanes …ENJOYING our rides!! Realizing that we DON’T have to be the same and see eye to eye. That truly is impossible. REALIZE that and know that, Neuro~Diversity….ROCKS!!
CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW for Dana Commandatore’s speech at The 26thPacRim Int. Conference on disabilities!