cf5 tg0cf5 tc1cf5 tg2cf5 tg4cf5 tg5cf5 tg7cf5 tg6cf5 tgacf5 tg9cf5 tg13cf5 tg12Happy Anniversary to US! We have all been “Chalking it UP” together for five years now. Connecting here in Southern California or from across the globe virtually.

BRAVO to each and every one of you that have joined in or cheered us on helping our fantastic and colorful movement along. It has been so much fun meeting and feeling the love, creativity and inspiration you all bring to the AutismHWY! In real life and VIRTUALLY! It is sweet fun to feel that solidarity across the miles, across the oceans. Chalking for the love of fun, for the love of Autism free expression and ultimately for the expectation of full-on respect and acceptance. Respect for what Autistic people do bring to the table of humanity in each and every way. No need to cure, stigmatize or fear. Only the need to respect the real mind/body differences, committing to understanding those fully, reaching out to support the individual manifestations of each other’s unique comfort’s and keys for success. Learn to learn. From each other. When to slow down and when to speed up. We need to align our momentums.



TRULY Amazing how Bj Lane has aligned her momentus talent to honor Dr. Temple Grandin for the 2015 Chalk Art Festival’s 5th year Anniversary!!

Step by step Bj Lane Chalked where she stood and shared it with us all virtually! For all time. Thank you Bj~Until next time…