What an exciting initiative taking place at this year’s 7th ANCA WORLD Autism Festival Âû!
I am so pleased to announce that the AutismHWY.com / Chalk Festival and myself, will be coloring perceptions regarding Autism, at this amazing international gathering! I am so honored and excited to be returning to the Naturally Autistic People Awards in Vancouver Canada this fall as a …NOMINEE! My trip in 2011 as a sponsor partner was so inspiring and life changing. It will be fantastic to be back in this expansive vortex of complete acceptance and connection for AUTISTIC PEOPLE AND THEIR SUPPORTERS!
I am thrilled and so proud to be conducting an interactive Chalk Art Workshop. A workshop about this fantastic, OLD & NEW artistic medium as a part of this year’s spectacular global event. WOW!
Chalk and Street Art really do bring people back to their ancestrial roots. Our uniquely human instinctual need …to self express through creativity. Heiroglyphics in the 21st century if you will. The experience will be exhilarating. I guarantee. As an artist working in the streets, sign painting I learned the power of colorful imagery inserted into everyday life, at a very young age. I see how imagery markets everything to the world. I have since come to use this skill while engaging with the general public in realistic conversations about Autism. A very grounded way to connect on very deep levels!
It has been such a fantastic experience engaging with random people seemingly ‘not involved with Autism’ and learning through further discussion… that the majority in fact are. We are indeed all connected, heARTfully.
At this years ANCA World Autism Festival I will share the story of how we built the AutismHWY.com Chalk Festival. How we came to a partnership with my fabulous hometown of Covina California. How everyone can experience the joys that ‘Street Art’ brings to people participating and spectating, something great for every community. We will see how the process emerges. I will share instruction, pointers and tips, showing the work from our past events and some of my special Autism chalkings from other festivals.
Participants of the workshop will have the chance to chalk designs on square paper adhered to the table (simulating the chalk square model.) We will have imagery to prompt ART or encourage participants to work from their hearts and see what unexpected messages emerge!

A colorful, diverse and more intuitive way of communicating who we are. I am looking forward to authentically meeting and seeing you ALL this fall!