There for YOU. Created for YOU. All about YOU! 100% guaranteed! I don’t need to say, “or your money back” either…because it’s FREE! Free space for fun connections, photos, videos, articles, games, events, issues and relaxing chats! A place all OUR OWN. A beautifully decorated ASD safe haven! Recruit your family and friends to link up and learn from one and other. A place to do what you will and make the best out of it!
This last year I’ve had networking on line in the Autistic community has taught me alot. Mainly that there is a whole world of positive possibility now opening up for people on the spectrum! There are many of us focusing on strengths and not deficits!
You wouldn’t of felt that way watching Dr. Oz’ s show this week. He devoted a whole segment to Autism… inanely titled ” What causes Autism?”…….. Talk about a cliffhanger.
What causes Autism?? Are you serious ? A 1 hour show lol!! I am tired of that worry. I have taken myself off of that precipice! We, as parents all should. Leave that for the scientists…and instead love , understand and accept Autism. In turn helping others do the same.
Our kids are autistic not terminal! Yes, it is no picnic…but, most picnics have ants! That is the nature of life. When you deal with everything (positive and negative) that comes your way you are bound to learn a profound lesson! You ALL know what I am speaking of. Maybe the episode should have been titled “What causes DNA?”
I wonder why it is so important to focus on cause? Oh….that’s right to find “the cure.” People thinking they can “alter DNA” working feverishly to secure “5-yr. Grants” for causation and cure research. Are they thinking…”We must eradicate parents worst fear…this horribly dreaded diagnosis”…(?) That was the attitude prominently trotted out for our viewing pleasure. A father was there to talk about his sad legacy…his only son is autistic. Another very tired mother, single with three kids on the spectrum. I hear two words in all of this =”Why Me?”
It is not…”Why me?” It is why them? “They” autistic people have strengths and deficits just as all the rest of us do. As parents you do want the best for your child. However, is it best to be in constant turmoil, anxiety and horror of your child’s DNA? Certainly not in my world. My son has Autism 100%! Do I get tired of some of the factors that go along with that? YES 100%. I have a 22 yr. old son. Do I get tired of some of the things that come along with that? DOUBLE Yes!! 200% lol…
It all comes back to this simple fact. Life is what you make it. If you let Dr. Oz and his panel convince you, you should fear having children after age 35 or your life is over with an AS dx and your legacy has been ruined, then that is on you. That is the reality you perceive and dwell in. How about this… You have been given a challenge. TRUE, your expectations now SHIFT ! This can be the start of a beautiful relationship. 100% release of previous expectations. Down a different HWY. then expected. Go with the new flow of your altered life. Understand Autism from the inside out! It helps you understand yourself. Stop insisting your child do the impossible and become you. Find a new legacy! Allow your child room to be themselves, to go in thier own direction with guidance. Relax about this diagnosis, let it surprise you with the things it offers you. 100% pure love, NO game playing and a real vision of the important aspects of humanity! I have found Autism to be an incredible B.S. filter. 100%!! It factors out all of the unimportant…kind of like turning the channel on your T.V. set!!