When activists demand that “charitable” organizations (namely Autism Speaks) STOP bad-mouthing the lives of Autistic people and their families to create “action”… a funny thing happens.
People pull out the “You must not be Autistic enough” card. I am shocked that people would accuse someone of lying about their Autism and start pissing matches over how Autistic one is or is not. !!
I have seen people throwing my son’s life around as if it is a bargaining chip to put forth their National agenda. Calling him, the kind of Autism that is a sick burden that drains me and society epically. Using his challenges as fodder to ring up fundraising. It is degrading, dehumanizing and time for it to stop. We are NOT living in the 1900’s anymore. We have come to fully understand how damaging and dangerous hateful rhetoric can be to society. How it devalues, oppresses and sometimes kills entire cultures of people!
STOP asserting that Autistic activists must not be sick enough to need any help. First of all Autism is not a “sickness.” Second of all, we ALL need help and support systems, Autistic or not! I find it very interesting how these “not Autistic enough” people can be so incredibly aware and intuitive about my “very Autistic” son?! Employing Autistic people to create Autistic- friendly systems and putting those in place is the National plan we are fighting for. It is NOT too much to ask for.

If an Autistic person can speak or type that does not mean they do not experience any number of challenges. Autistic people understand one and other and the very different degrees of supports they uniquely need. I have seen them accommodate and respect each other so amazingly. I only wish everyone else I know was half as considerate of another person’s sense-abilities as they are.
Organizations that are acting arrogantly need to cease.
It is time for “abled people” to seriously check themselves. Think about what it is they are TRULY SAYING. To stop lording that horrible rhetoric over others in order to keep them in place and/or raise money!
This is really getting old…..
This is really getting old…..