…My WYATT’S BIRTHDAY! Coincedentally also the 1ST day of AUTISM AWARENESS Month. Funny how things work out sometimes. The year Wyatt was born will be just like this one. Wyatt’s Birthday… on Thursday April Fool’s Day, followed by Easter Sunday. I knew Wyatt was a special boy instantly! So wonderous, to see your “freshly-cooked” baby’s lip curl up …in response to your familiar voice! His Apgar (reflex) scores were, as they say…”ALL GOOD.”
But, after a few years that went…”ALL WRONG.” Which is the most confounding part of this whole “AUTISM-THING.” This thing you were’nt ready for. This thing that no one can really explain to you. Where it came from…where it’s going. What to do about it. Funny when you are awaiting motherhood, you are innundated with literature. This is what you do, here. This is what you do, when. Everyone is there with advice and anecdotes! Then when you are hit with AUTISM…its as if EVERY BODY GOES BACK INTO THE WOODWORK!
Alot of that advice DISAPPEARS… into thin air. Mainly because there just was’nt any. I am sure hoping that, that is no longer the case! We have come a long way in the knowledge department. Yet people still don’t know what to say. I will tell you, I am so TIRED of ONE PHRASE. It is probably the one thing that everyone can “PARROT” about AUTISM. Yes….Ladies & Gentleman the most worn out saying of them ALL…”EARLY INTERVENTION IS KEY.”
People CLING to that phrase TOO MUCH! I’m sorry, I just had to say that! Now …I do feel better. That has been on my chest for sometime now. My 1st and most OBVIOUS problem with the phrase is that intervention CANNOT occur EARLY for someone with “regressive autism.” When things are going along” normally” you have nothing to intervene. More and more I am hearing about, LATE DIAGNOSIS’ Perhaps…mis-diagnosis’? More confusion? What a surprise! Afterall this is AUTISM we are speaking about!! RIGHT?!!
I really want people to know SO MUCH MORE about AUTISM than that one phrase!! Seems like everyone is just stuck on that phrase… that just hangs there. ” Oh, so you mean~ if you get early intervention …everything will be fine?!” I really believe… that the general population is “buying that.” Unfortunately its because thats all anyone ever says. EVERY single NEWS ITEM about autism or asperger syndrome will state that. That MOST OBVIOUS FACT. Of course early intervention is the key, as it is with cancer, diabetes and everything else that can “GO WRONG” with a person. DUH…you want to catch “IT” as SOON AS POSSIBLE.
Dare I be so bold, as to ask for some ~ NEW...”Catch Phrases” and “Sound Bites” for that “3 minute “NEWS ITEM I mentioned earlier. Autism and Asperger Syndrome could use a new message for the masses…I am PUTTING THAT OUT THERE! Let’s not WASTE anymore time beating the early intervention horse! Everyone KNOWS THAT ! Put it in “The LITERATURE” in big caps!!!
In 2010 we need to move on from that and surge ahead! Blazing some new trails. Let’s tell the general pop. something “NEW about US.” SOMETHING USEFUL that helps us understand how to co exist in this BIG BEAUTIFUL WORLD! Big enough for ALL OF US!