Another incredible, indelible year connecting ACCEPTANCE to the heARTS and minds of all that show up for our annual chalk party. Each year the momentum feels reinforced, more powerful. The labor of colorful love that has been the Chalk Festival has transformed itself year after year. It’s as if our platform was being built in the early year stages. Sponsors, Artists and friends joining together to spread out a foundation for this loving pragmatic platform. A foundation on which to build and connect Autism Acceptance skyscrapers. Autistic people and their loved ones working together to infrastructure positive life force resonation to the community. Real people, real Autism, real Acceptance, real FUN. Amplifying the Autistic voice and connecting to their experience in order for everyone to innerstand Autism.
Can you imagine anything more divine?
Our Artist’s can. Just have a look….

Last Year’s B.O.S. Winner Lesley Perdomo…recruits her nephew James and sister Ana as “Team Perdomo” to honor Artist Daniela Jaime with a rendition of Daniela’s pony design!! SO COOL LESLEY!
Building this Acceptance platform has been so much easier than we ever imagined it would be. The collaboration of generous souls that have given their time and energy to support our efforts throughout the years have become the concrete that empower us. Empower and facilitate us as we gel together with this ascending movement. Adding the City of Covina’s embracement to all of that and we have truly built a warm, loving and comfortable day to share in UNITY for all Autistic people and those who truly respect them. A sunny So Cal. day full of FUN, equality, appreciation and the freedom to be Autistic. Quite powerful.
It feels like a new day is near, a day where we can all consult our Autistic friends when we need to know how best we can make the population more comfortable and successful. A day when all of society will know that Autism is a normal part of humanity and that Autistic people are highly valued members. We are ALL differently, equally human.