It has been over 160 years since California first STRUCK GOLD. It occured to me over this past weekend…that IT is about to happen again.The discovery of a rich vastly unmined resource. Our amazingly SHARP and TALENTED family members on the SPECTRUM! For years now people have been mistakenly counting them OUT. Well I am here to tell you it is time to start counting them IN!!
Count the MANY talents and abilities these amazing kids and adults possess. GONE are the days of concentrating on all the negatives! We need to “accentuate the positive.” Is’nt that, a line from some ..Disney song? If it’s not it should be. That’s how people get happy! In this day~ of so many medications and diagnosis~ ‘revolving’ around moods and behaviors. We need to REMEMBER some simple basics! Life is what YOU make it… and sometimes you get lemons. Guess what? Lemons can be and are a good thing. We need lemons!! Who does not appreciate a nice lemon handed to them? As a gardener there is nothing more life affirming than a fresh home~grown LEMON from a friend or a family members tree!
One of nature’s NUGGETS. Most of NATURE’S GIFTS are discovered and widely enjoyed. However, this population of ARTISTS on the Spectrum is a pure, rich source of vision and creativity just waiting to enrich this WORLD!
A new FRESH perspective. A perspective with such edge. PURE and from the honest heart. The world is in for a treat! The individuals ON THE SPECTRUM will show the world things it has never seen. Beautiful gifts of AUTISM and art. Gifts so easy to see on a couple of incredible groups on Facebook.~Artists and Autism~ & ~The Gifts of Autism~ Please enjoy the amazing celebration of our lives and differences going on there! Jeff Michael Kellen’s group is called ARTISTS AND AUTISM! Lori Shayew’s group is called THE GIFTS OF AUTISM! Please, go to these great RESOURCES and contribute! The experience WILL REVITALIZE YOU!
Our “Neuro~Diversity” is exactly what makes this planet so amazing. How many times do we hear the phrase, “If everyone was the same …life would be so boring!? As a parent of a boy with AUTISM I understand that phrase AND… these gifts. We all do! All of the Extended Families, Friends, Teachers, Aides & Therapists …the feeling we get is something special. SOMETHING GOLDEN. Worth an unexplicable amount. NOW is the time to share THESE GIFTS with others. The others that don’t know about this “NEW GOLD RUSH”…The gifted and amazing spirited people on the SPECTRUM that lift our souls daily!
So OUR WORK will be to convey to the rest of the world just how valuable this resource is. This untapped wealth of spirit and knowledge. A monolith of creativity brimming with heart and soul! Brace yourselves people… we are about to be hit by the MOTHERLODE!!!