For the BIG EVENT in Pasadena, California Sat. April 24! The huge Autism Speaks Walk at the ROSEBOWL! What a great day that will be. Everyone out for OUR CAUSE, Vitamin D and of course …Some “SAME TEAM” Feel!!

Please strap on your tennis shoes or boots…and let’s do some walking!! Wyatt & I will be surrounded by our ‘support net’…Grandma Louise & Grampa “deep pressure” Bob. Uncle Kevin will even join the fun, as he is an avid walker! As we ALL should be. So exhilerating a brisk walk with friends you have LOTS IN COMMON with!! WOO HOO! Go TEAM “A”!!

I will be sharing a booth with the Fabulous Lora Mancini…as she talks to interested parties about AUTISM BASEBALL LEAGUES!! Baseball has been very,very good to our kids!! With plenty of season left… more room for growth, NO DOUBT! Lora and her adventures in autism baseball are remarkable. So stop by and talk about how you can get your ball rolling for FUTURE SEASONS! Lora can be reached here [email protected] .

I will be “doing my thing!” Painting childrens faces or arms…their choice! FOR FREE ~While I continue my AUTISM DIALOGUE with them! On opening Day of “A-LEAGUE” I had a ball. I have always loved talking to kids! Very fun to see what they know about autism. Sad to say it is very limited so far but, folks that is about to change!! With the creation of our “Why does Wyatt do that” book …the learning will begin! Illustrator Rachel Walker has some color book pages for everyone to preview while we await books completion! So we will be passing those out with another little giveaway! We also have some cute surprises to unveil!

I am getting very excited to talk strategies with all of you! We ALL seem to have game plans that ROCK ! I am so loving seeing EVERYONE’S Creative “Actions”! Seems I am more amazed everyday! Sports, The Arts, NEW Books!! Promoting Friendship Through Common Understanding!! AutismHWY is on that mission and so HOPE you ALL stop by to say HI, and discuss the exciting possibilities and vibrations that are out there!! Hey and possibly get painted !!