This phrase is so very important to me. For a myriad of reasons. These are the top 3…First and foremost, it is my HOPE for the WORLD! Secondly, it is the place I have EVOLVED to! # 3 and most especially, it is my WISH for Wyatt and all the other beautiful AUTISTIC CHILDREN and ADULTS! When common knowledge and understanding …BRIDGE THIS GAP…life will be enriched!! FOR US ALL!
If I have said it once…I’LL SAY IT AGAIN! There is so much to be learned from individuals on the SPECTRUM!!Once you immerse yourself into autisms intricacies. You begin to analyze the human mind in ways you never would.To break down the thought process and examine its function…is something not normally done.
Generally people are just so darn busy living, time is not taken to really stop and think. Think about the brain as an amazing computer pulling up file after file you desire. We don’t appreciate its GENIUS . Truly.When you live with a person who’s brain does not function like yours, life is a never ending challenge. You learn to appreciate and , to think outside of the box . Adapting to the situation while enriching your own life. Reconciling to a stronger force.
So I have chosen to embrace This “force”, this “bully”…AUTISM. Deciding that it has given me a clearer view into thought processes and why we “do what we do.” So I have made FRIENDS with autism. Definitely NOT my B.F.F.!! But, my lifelong “friend” nonetheless! So…do I go around hating this unexpected companion? Building resentment brick by brick , day in and day out? NO… not if I want to breathe, live and enjoy my child. If I can’t stop the AUTISM, I have to stop the anger. Being angry at something NEVER makes it GO AWAY!! Just ask my “typical” 21 year old Son …on a BAD DAY !? SERIOUSLY , you just have to call a “truce.” You will never see “eye-to-eye” with this friend but, you MUST COEXIST.Like all friendships…taking the GOOD with the BAD.