…the SAVAGE BEAST?!! Hold ON!! I am in NO WAY calling ANYONE a SAVAGE BEAST!….Unless of couse YOU want me to!! lol Yet another of our double-edged sayings!!I must admit I am having way TOO MUCH fun with all of these “catch-phrases” and words of wisdom. I have been collecting them my whole life! Now I have a great place to insert them as I assert them!! Follow THAT!??

It is a KNOWN FACT how well people with AUTISM respond to music! How many of us have sung to a fussing child? It is a built-in human resource. One of the best. Music just evokes such GREAT VIBRATIONS! These vibrations can be KEY in helping someone on the spectrum make it THROUGH THE DAY. More importantly through THEIR SCHOOLWORK! Teachers have used that technique with Wyatt before! If you do this you can have some MUSIC !

Words are KEY! Yet the language of MUSIC has even MORE POWER!! No one may know this better than Joanne Lara creator of www.autismmovementtherapy.com She has created an awesome program to benefit EVERYONE…especially individuals on the AUTISM SPECTRUM. Not only do they benefit from the healing aura of music…she has added MOVEMENT into the exhilerating MIX!!

This is AWESOME because these individuals can benefit so greatly from this stimulation. The MOVEMENT helps them cross over the mid-line in the brain thus forcing them to use both halves! When Joanne had a workshop at Leroy Haynes Center she had ALL of us; CARE-GIVER’S, PARENTS, TEACHERS alike movin!! Very fun and makes… SO MUCH SENSE!! I applaud her for helping so many. She offers a CERTIFICATION for others so this magic can SPREAD across the NATION / WORLD!! Many hands…make light work! Information about that and SO MUCH MORE can be found on her GREAT WEB-SITE .

Which brings me to something SUPER EXCITING! A musical EVENT coming SOON!!AUTISM SINGS“!! May 5th, 7:00~to~ 10:00 PM…@ the Canyon Club in Augora Hills!! ALL the INFO for this is also on Joanne’s AMT website! There will be special headliner guests!!! BUT, what is MOST SPECIAL is the majority of ALL the PERFORMERS are on the A.S. Spectrum!! FANTASTIC! Artistic visions~ to fruition…MY FAVORITE! With the special perspectives these performers BRING…this EVENT WILL BE …


PLEASE make arrangements to secure your tickets! I have a feeling this will sell- out quickly! With any luck this will become at the very least an annual event! To have a chance to express THEIR NATURAL GIFTS must be an intense moment for THESE ARTISTS ! It is the way OF OUR FUTURE! More and more brilliant minds to blend into the creative landscape!! It is ABOUT TIME!! The world is about to receive MANY GIFTS from people with something SO SPECIAL to GIVE!