…MAKE LIGHT WORK! If I heard that once I heard it a 1000 times …one of my Grandmother Sadie”s standards. To this day that may have been her BEST GEM! There were SOoo.. many to choose from! She was a sunshine spreader…and I TRY, to follow suit. However, with all these roadblocks …you tend to FEEL a little STORMY at times. That is why WE NEED that support system. Life with the challenges that autism and asperger syndrome bring can be chaotic! On top of…YOU KNOW the ..NORMAL CHAOS !!
We need many hands…to make light work! Our kids are more demanding than the average bear, and THATS ON A GOOD DAY. When everyone is in the book but, not on the same page. Its hard to finish each days story! This is why so many hands are needed to help. Constant prodding and reminders day in and day out can be EXHAUSTING for BOTH prodder & prodee!! Its a full time job on top of a full time job.
So when you are blessed with an understanding and enlightened family…You have a SUPPORT net! Many hands embracing an individual that needs full-time task management. It is a tall order, no a huge order. Like TEAMWORK. Really ! Rotation is KEY~ 1 player CANNOT do everything! We all Know what happens when someone is overworked. THINGS GO WRONG. So a support net is cast. To spread out the…MULTI LAYER~”Task- Managing.”
Typical Parents don’t have this problem after their kids reach a certain” self- sufficiency.” With age …their AUTONOMY kicks in and they are OFF TO THE RACES. So to speak! Gone with their Friends to movies, sports, clubs etc … KIDS are BUSY! Thats when we get busy as well! Thats how families work…this one has that, this one goes here …so we will cover that. Utility Players…covering all the bases making sure all the plays are made. Now… picture this : one or two of your players is on the DL LIST permanently. However, those players remain on the field and the team carries on.
Working around obstacles. It’s what we do. On an on-going DAILY BASIS! The guys at ReasonTV were asking me about all that today. What it is like to be a parent to an autistic child? THE ULTIMATE QUESTION!! It’s everything you could possibly want and its everything you could not possibly want. A CONUNDRUM!! We ALL KNOW the only constant here is that these individuals are THE PUREST ON THE PLANET! Free from peer pressures free from stigmas and materialism.
So lets use our MANY HANDS and EMBRACE these amazing individuals…throwing out that SUPPORT NET! With all of us pitching in to “promote friendship through common understanding!” Once the UNDERSTANDING is more UNIVERSAL we can stretch that net. Unfortunately folks our ranks are growing …and as the years move on we will NEED A LARGER NET. To help us MAKE LIGHT WORK!