That is what I am beginning to think! For…ever it seems that fingers are always pointing to the inoculations! THE PERFECTCATCH-22! Something you need…that could RANDOMLY mess you up? GREAT. I personally don’t have “a dog in that fight.” Sure ,I have a son with AUTISM. Yes, he has had his shots. Did I notice a vaccine “injuring him?” ABSOLUTELY NOT!

Does this mean that it DID NOT happen? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Therein lies the CONUNDRUM. ~ OF ALL TIME. ~ Did it or Did’nt it? Many people will NEVER BE CONVINCED otherwise. I applaud ALL PEOPLE for taking and making their stands. We all do what “WE FEEL” is right. I choose not to choose. I am not a scientist…& I do not have a scientific mind. You well know I have a more…”VERBAL- MIND!”

I do read …but, NEVER have the time to read ALL I need to, or should. So in my mind we have a “GRASSY KNOLL” where that ” PARROT “ can reside! (I refer to my “blog titled “ALMOST APRIL…1ST! “The “Parrot” being the limited cliched knowledge most have concerning autism) Seriously! After YET another interesting conversation… this time with, Paul Detrick of . That fun ,VISUAL THOUGHT occured to me!!! (THANK-YOU Temple Grandin!)

Paul called me today when Lora Mancini referred me to him. Seems he is doing a piece on that “HOT-BUTTON” Vaccine ISSUE. All the recent NEWS regarding the on-going debate. He had heard of A-LEAGUE and called Lora. When he got around to that topic…Lora did what all GOOD BALL PLAYERS & MANAGERS Do…Deflect, giving him my number! When he called me, I spent about 15 minutes blathering on about our PLAYERS SOCIAL CONNECTIONS before I let him get a word in edgewise. He finally got around to what his focus was. VACCINES!! B O R I N G !!

His outfit does alot of COOL little topical stories, from what I gathered. I’m hoping he will come out to the ballpark some Saturday soon. To see our A- LEAGUE autism baseball and interview a few PARENTS. HERE’S HOPING I gave him a NEW Focus! I think our “A-League” is A …WAY more RELEVANT story. That’s okay he will get it!

So the conversation led me to that “GRASSY KNOLL ANALOGY! ” I firmly believe that this is an issue that will NEVER BE RESOLVED for any number of reasons! Okay, I get that it IS majorly horrible ! Especially IF IT IS…all a horrible greed driven cover-up /cataclysm! ‘WHEW’… just writing that stresses me out! TOO, TOO stressful to fret over! Okay, let’s say, you get your best wish…the government goofed~ & AUTISM is THEIR fault (not DNA) & now they have TO FIX- IT!

…And they will do that HOW!? HOPEFULLY they will remedy the problem. When they FINALLY figure out THE EXACT NATURE of it! I guess I am saying lets just not stress over it & LIVE ,while those that want those answers …WAIT! I want to start getting people to stop focusing on obvious facts & immovable objects! That DAMN “PARROT on the GRASSY KNOLL! “The 2 things the general population can tell you they know about AUTISM.” Which isVACCINATIONS” caused “IT” ( The Grassy Knoll)…and you need “EARLY INTERVENTION.”(The Parrot)

I have to SAY IT, in 2010…that is P A T H E T I C. Well let’s not dwell on our shortcomings and get to work!! AUTISMHWY is rallying all of you OUT THERE in the know about autism. START PUTTING YOUR SPIN on what USEFUL information should be OUT THERE!! We NEED to “Promote FRIENDSHIP through Common UNDERSTANDING! ” I know there are enough of US out here that have the SAME VIBE ~DEAS!! Let’s HAVE FUN with it! Send in your “CATCH PHRASES“… !!![email protected]

PHOTOS taken @ Very fun, autism ~friendly Amusement Park!…check it out!