Today was a grand day! The first implementation of  APAC Global…Goes Local! A grass roots effort to spread useful awareness partnering with  local communities and companies. Sharing the wonderful knowledge about talents within our community and how things can and will positively change!

ANCA  Naturally Autistic in Gibsons, B.C. Canada  at the Sunny Crest mall, and at The Village Eatery in Glendora Cal. U.S.A.!! Passing out information and GOOD NEWS about the Autistic Community! How grand!!

I was delighted to see the children coloring the pages as they waited for their delicious meals! Wyatt tried a Monte Cristo for the first time. Delicious and NEW just like this Campaign!! Autistic People stepping up to contribute to this world’s awareness. The results will be astonishing I am sure. ASD+NT= PUZZLE SOLVED!

As we move forward toward real progress we will have more and more people interested in what this inspiring community has to offer. It is no longer about charity!! Keep the charity at home. We are out in the world with Autism Awareness and we mean business! We are joining forces and making a network. A network that will inspire, enable and empower people to work together in this world. It’s a beautiful vision and stay tuned how YOU Can involve your family and friends locally. Help us cast this huge awareness net as we link together. Contact Leo Gregory at  sign on for your free newsletter and keep up to date with the pulse of this campaign! OR  Log in to  make a profile  friend me and join in or e-mail me here [email protected] ! We will soon have an Blogradio show on fridays to keep up with ALL THE FUN! So be thinking creatively for AWARENESS !! It is really the way to go!! Erik Estabrook did just that!! Check out this EPIC POEM he wrote…read it with a “Rap~Vibe”…..

Look Again

You look at me and say retard, simpleton,

but my wheels are in motion,

brace yourself for this poetic mind explosion,

Why bring in the norm,

 when we are so much better?

when weathering the storm I don’t even need a sweater,

why when you see me do you think in numbers and letters?

hate starts in the heart and multiplies when you feel you know better,

Are you righter than I?

 because I’m a righteous guy,

the magnetic output of a thunderstorm passing by,

look again if you see anything but friend,

my mind is a fountain where wellsprings blossom land to land,

I’m the spring birth of your aura,

yet you’ll try to ignore me,

I’m the newborn eyes of love unfolding,

Yet you’ll put me down,

because your in a mold,

by your tree molding,

I’m an earth-bound star,

last the crash,

and we’ll embark on this journey. (autism awareness)


by Erik Estabrook

Listen in to 15 minutes of Naturally Autistic Blogradio~Hosted by Scott Jackson and Erik Estabrook  as Leo, Charlie, Jan and I wrap-up our events!!