I am happy to POST the GREAT NEWS of SOLID INFORMATION coming “down the pike.” The great folks here at my LOCAL Reg. Center have some awesome events scheduled. FREE INFORMATION that you will find PRICELESS! In this economy it would be criminal to MISS OUT! So PLEASE jot down all the particulars from the attached flyer.
Mr. HOPE and staff are doing such a fantastic service for the community! www.sgprc.org Providing vital information on the myriad of issues that surround all of us living on the SPECTRUM. INFORMATION for the “AutismHWY!!” The 3 events are…Dr. Margaret Bauman who has been studying autism for 25 yrs. She has been considered a global leader researching the neuropathological basis for autism. She will speak on April 29th.
Next up will be the GREAT SPORTSMAN “Father to autistic sons” Jim Gott! His Education Spectrum here in ALTADENA, CA. is awesome… providing services and solid support for families on the spectrum since the mid 90’s! www.edspec.org This will be a novel event! DADS /MEN ONLY!!! Love this…what an awesome idea! Let’s hope this will become a regular event!
Last but not least…
Vital INFORMATION …on a “HOT-TOPIC” so to speak. A parent’s guide to SEXUALITY in ADOLESCENTS with AUTISM! This will be presented in September on the 25th. Dr. Mary J. Lang and Dr. David Morrison will be speakers. Something I HAVE STARTED TO PONDER…..??? Sensory issues at a whole NEW LEVEL! I will be attending this one. SEE YOU THERE!!!
So please take advantage of these opportunities… we need to show Mr. Hope & staff how much these seminars mean to us by making them as successful as possible! Ensuring that more of this help can be extended in our future THANK-YOU!!