Seems some people feel that way about their OWN family members. Well, yes everyone knows the jokes that follow when the “in-laws” are coming for a visit. Take my mother-in-law…PLEASE!! Husbands have been known to pitch a tent in their garage or man-cave…whatever you want to call it. I call it the “Ostrich Affect.”
The simple phenomenon of ignorance and intolerance when it comes to AUTISM. The sister-in-law that thinks your Autistic Child will break something in her home…or doesn’t want a meltdown to occur there. Perhaps, it is worse than that and within your immediate family unit. There are husbands and fathers that have a hard time “accepting” AUTISM! This is what I speak of. The family members that bury their heads in the sand! Individuals too busy or too selfish to accept and understand reality.
What is it about human nature that can sometimes enable us to detach from our own? The inability to understand the reality that brains operate on different planes and dimensions. I can remember thinking, that~ that school of thought was utter nonsense! The concept that there could be different “planes” and that people are in the same world operating in differing realities!! I now know that concept~ is EXACTLY REAL. This is how Autistic people maneuver on a daily basis. It is as if ,they are in different worlds at times. I am becoming more and more aware of this all the time.
It is very sad to understand that FAMILY could “ostracize” their own. Autistic people desire to be embraced for who they are, above all else! First and foremost as they say. That truly is where the foundation must start. Building on your understanding, you will learn ways to navigate and cope with AUTISM. The extra dimension that is added to our household brings a lot to the table!! Shame on those relatives that do not have the full “bounty” on their tables! To think that some people are more concerned with possessions than heart and soul. The heart and different soul that may have the same last name as you.
More than a name…these wonderful people have all of the same feelings as others. What is different is the processing, in and out. Yes… we are all here, yes …we share this world. However, just because some family members may operate in differing realities, does not mean they should be left-out. Just the opposite in fact. Perhaps, family members should cross over into that differing “DIMENSION.” The Amazing Diversity~Dimension!
It is an awesome place to be!! Learning that the brain has a lot of options. So much more going on than the “Average Bear.” Diverse thoughts are what make a lively conversation… AND a lively world! Who wants a boring pristine family gathering where nothing gets broken? Where everyone is the same and no one has an outburst? lol…Pull your heads out of the sand people! Realize that your flesh and blood with diverse ways of thinking are much more important than some nick-knacks and a “perfect party”!
You may learn something about yourself in the process. How to accept and process the fact that we are all on this planet together. Even if we are dancing to different drummer’s. The music is beautiful…ENJOY IT!!
CLICK HERE for … 5 FINGER DEATH PUNCH’S awesome version of ” BAD COMPANY”!!