We all need one from time to time! In AUTISM speak it is called “RE-DIRECTING the energy”…lol Well, we ALL do it. Sometimes we go down the garden path, get lost, stumble… and PERHAPS we fall. The best of us get back up and re-direct our energy in a more productive and positive fashion MARCHING- ON. That has always been my philosophy. It keeps me sane. In this world of Autism. Like the salmon that swim up stream…We ASD Families know how to march on …if we know nothing else. INSTINCT for survival.
In a world with so many variables. Variables within your mind and your child’s mind. Walking the neuro-typical tightrope! It is a tricky task. Walking that tightrope in your mind. How does my child feel and think here? How does that compare to the way I think and feel here? It can be very complex at times. However that being said there is a lot of CLARITY that autism brings to our Neuro-typical mind. Clarity about what is truly important!
That is so much a lesson EVERYONE should learn! What truly is important in this world and our “so-called lives!” I will tell you one thing I know. It is not important to know everything about Lindsey Lohan’s sad state of affairs. Yet, if I turn my T.V. on that’s what I hear about!! REALLY? That is DUMBFOUNDING to me! (Perfect word) Perhaps the rise in AUTISM is precisely here to counter THAT NONSENSE! People have become so obsessed with social B.S. it is ridiculous. The time, money and energy spent on inconsequential stuff is staggering. In the grand scheme of things how does that info help anyone with their day!?
I guess it makes people feel better about their state of affairs? That they are “smarter” than Lindsey Lohan?? C’mon people that is not a great milestone to compare yourselves to. This instinctual comparing and gossiping…where does it come from?? Why do others “suffer” from it so much more than others?? I have been a very social person my whole life! I have never been accused of being “shy.” However, the longer I live ~added with my 8 yrs. of learning about my son and his place on the spectrum…HAS CHANGED ME!!
I still talk a lot (probably way too much) but, in my mind I am a different woman. I now see the importance of NOT obsessing on the little nuances. The petty social conundrums people create. In the grand scheme of an ASD lifestyle you just don’t have time for that “NOISE.” Really that is all it is to me at this point. Oh I used to be right in there…Oh isn’t so and so dating so and so …and didn’t she steal him from so and so?? Blah Blah Blah. It is amazing to me the time U.S. media spends on rubbish!!
OK I am delusional to think people will stop worrying about Lindsey Lohan and concern themselves with ASD issues. I’m just saying it will nourish your soul, your train of thought, your mind’s eye…all of the above. As opposed to a heaping pile of nasty information about an entitled, selfish, ignorant ex-starlet! Enlightening yourselves about the mind and its inner-workings can be fascinating. So much more so than who is in the cell directly next to STUPIDITY?!!