Lacking aim. An accidental chance occurance. Without careful choice. Purposeless. Haphazard.Seeming to happen without intention. Sprinkle…or connote with a little nonchalance and indifference. Ladies and Gentlemen I give you AUTISM. Sure sounds like all the characteristics to me! Actually all of that ‘prose’ is listed under RANDOM in your nearby dictionary. Words…seperated at birth? No… just TRUE SYNONYMS.
I began to think about the word RANDOM…after getting some stunning news from the company building AUTISMHWY... Alison ,web-builder designer- extraordinare was struck by a DRUNK-DRIVER! Luckily the only severe damage was the totalling of her car. She was parked at a gas station in the car with her husband & 2 dogs. Suddenly and RANDOMLY hit! Hopefully no injuries will recur from this accident. Life is like that sometimes at any given moment a RANDOM blow…that can devastate- in the blink of an eye.
How we all must have felt with the first diagnosis of AUTISM. The first day leaving your child in a “special needs” class. Not exactly what you had imagined. However, devastation CAN BE “in the eye of the beholder.” Autism is a GAME CHANGER no doubt! But the game of life is the same, just add new “ever-shifting” rules. I am lucky in the fact that Wyatt and I have flexible personalities. We have a way of operating on a fairly even keel despite the fork in our HIGHWAY! Really…somedays that is the best any of us can hope for, as we map out our lives.One day at a time!
So as we make our way RANDOMLY through life. Let us think about how lucky we are. As people we have many things to be thankful for! Yet often times we are caught up in the daily grind and forget about reaching out to others. Others that have been dealt the RANDOMIST of blows! Autistic people are awesome individuals that deserve understanding ,NOT indifference! Individuals that deserve respect, NOT nonchalance! So reach out with RANDOM respect and understanding for individuals…that seemingly were in the wrong place at the wrong time!!