It is palpable…I feel it, then again I am biased. The feeling I have is that people are finally ready. Ready to address “Our ISSUE”. Ready to make it ” Their ISSUE”. Oh let’s hope! There are MANY thousands of awesome people who have been making this “Their ISSUE” long before it was ever even on my radar! Which is my point exactly. Who knew? Who ever knows? UNTIL IT HITS YOU! Now I know…Life on the AUTISMHWY!

I have been out and about…taking my “informal surveys.” “What do you know?” “Do you know anyone with?” “Have you heard anything in school ABOUT AUTISM?” I thoroughly enjoy this because, people fascinate me. I can only hope these queried individuals are fascinated by… and enjoy me?! My over-all findings are…the only kids that know anything about autism, have direct experience. Siblings, Friends or Cousins! Three of the very best resources OUR KIDS will ever know! Grandparents and Parents unfortunately have “pesky” longevity issues! This is why it is so important to help enlighten the “general population.” I am hoping that the world will “HAVE OUR BACKS!!”

2010 is a NEW ERA ! For AUTISM especially! Now that doctors have learned about the areas of the brain where the deficits lie. What will those brilliant minds do with that information? With all the emerging research people can try to “Find their Formula”. So many valid areas of thought that people can apply to their lives. This is what we need…the deep exchange of ideas and experiences. “What works for you?” ” Did you know this?”…”Did you try that? ” So MANY creative people with awesome ideas and support linking together…! An INFORMATIVE FRIENDSHIP NETWORK that’s what WE NEED !

Yes, our therapists and specialists will ALWAYS be needed. The knowledge they can impart is golden. However the families on the spectrum are a far vaster treasure of KNOWLEDGE! Autism is not a career path for us …it becomes the HIGHWAY of our lives. A road we are priveleged to travel. A road that gets easier with the MERGING of ideas, experience, friendship and support!

Support, not only from our families…but, from our communities! If “unaffected” individuals and their families learn “about us” think of the possibilities! Mmmm …”BACK-SUPPORT! ” Just the thought of that gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling! Alot of times families can feel “Out-on-a-Ledge”… on the PRECIPICE. I’m calling out. AUTISMHWY is calling out GIVE US A HAND…help us off that ledge! I am so hoping to promote FRIENDSHIP through COMMON UNDERSTANDING! So we create a huge support system…to help this growing population through their difficult lives.