How great was Cinco De Mayo for everyone in attendance last Wed. in Augora Hills California? To infinity and beyond!! That’s how great!! To see Autistic Performers entertaining a delighted CROWD!! A vision I want to see more of!! A vision made possible this night by Autism Movement Therapy creator Joanne Lara. Truly a champion and angel for all things spectrum! She is a passionate woman to say the least!
Her passion for dance, music and the Autism Spectrum is infinite! When I was first made aware of this STAR she immediately impressed me! She is actually more like a flaming comet…a star seems far too mild! If you have ever been to one of Joannes presentations your head is bobbing up & down right now as I speak. She is “High~Energy where it is so needed. Thankyou Joanne for all you do and for inspiring others as well!! The best thing we can all do. Spread each others good word and good works. Promoting Friendship through common understanding! That is why I am adding Joanne’s website permanently to OUR Interesting sites section in the left hand margin! Click there for fun and self-esteem therapy! The best therapy the planet has to offer!
Lora Mancini and I arrived to the nice big airy club and got a great seats behind the mixing board! Some amazing performances, great company and atmosphere, Tequila, chips and salsa. It was a celebration that won’t soon be forgotten! So fun to be Celebrating Talents of individuals not previously Showcased with MORE TO COME!! So nice to see a “neuro~diverse crowd meeting in the middle! On the big airy dance floor!
The list of performers was varied like our spectrum!! Soulful Singer Chadwick was the thread running throughout the evening. What a huge voice with incredible range! His personable and compassionate delivery made him the perfect host. Not to mention his goosebump evoking version of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.” Look for Chadwick music on facebook & twitter.
Kyle Cousins and Nick Guzman performed a couple of songs …mixing it up with their different styles and talents! Kyle’s performance had the crowd wowed , enjoying his talent and confidence on stage.
Nick serenaded us with his voice and acoustic guitar skills. Nick also works the microphone and the crowd. He was persistent at nights end to be sure patrons were on hand to collect their raffle prize! ” Do we have a 8675309…Is there a # 8675309 ?” A great time was had by ALL & heck free C.D.’s if you were lucky enough to have Nick call out your number!
Susan Sheller treated us with some awesome numbers. So love her passionate style! Her song inspired by her awesome son “Lookin for Julian” ROCKS!! Her original music can be found in the hit documentary “Normal People Scare Me!” (Love that name!)
Stephen Shore played piano which sounded fabulous…such a diverse crowd. Another amazing treat was the appearance of Elaine Hall and Wyatt Isaacs! For those of you who don’t know …those two names are from the great HBO Documentary “Autism the Musical”! Such a wonderful concept and Documentation of it!
Her idea of an entire production driven by and showcasing the talents on the spectrum. ~AUTISTIC~PEOPLE HAVE SKILLS!!! Woo Hoo!! Elaine has a new show coming out very soon! Find-out more about this little Dynamo here…
Wyatt Isaacs is 15 and quite a young man now!! It was very fun to see him perform his song from the documentary film “Sensitive!! Also exciting to meet with his very cool Mom! There is just something great about Spectrum Supporters! We have a lot of heart and soul!! Wyatt rocked the room and his stage presence and pride beamed!
Jack Mack and the Heart~Attack had a great sounding set and really played hard… Truly including our performers in ALL of the fun!! Thankyou to everyone involved in making this happen!! It was very fun, very entertaining, very marketable and very needed in communities everywhere!!
Here’s hoping that others will follow the lead of these AUTISM~ART~ANGELS!!! With visionaries like Joanne , Elaine, Keri Bowers … and Susan Sheller a whole new world of self-esteem is opening up!
Perhaps….. YOU could be the NEXT PERFORMER!!