Are the “New Black“! Is’nt that how the saying goes…when something is about to be in vogue?! Well AutismHWY has just declared a new viable way to calm our kids…COLOR THERAPY!! Seriously.I have been noticing it in one capacity or another for years. Now it is stunningly CLEAR to me! These kids so respond to color! How many of our kids love to drape fabrics over head? Viewing the world through their prism. Draping a buffer of color between them and the enviornment.
The last Easter egg hunt at Leroy Haynes School, Wyatt and I brought his “Parachute” game. So fun, to see the different play styles! Some of the students loved to be jumping and using the handles to flap the ‘chute up and down. While others chose to lie ” under the rainbow” feeling the wind and basquing in the reflecting colors of the canopy! Which they would have had no problem enjoying all~day!! Such a pleasure to see them all seek the sensory experience they preferred!
Alot of tents, forts,plastic cubes and play equipment. These kids often try to place a veil or shield between themselves and “Our BUSY World” Toning it down it seems. We know they have “Sensory Sensibilities and that they CANNOT tolerate flourescent lighting!! So why not try colored lightbulbs, colored lenses on glasses, colored glass for their bedroom windows!! Allison Dix’ Rainbow awareness to WHOLE new levels!!! I truly believe this is something everyone can consider and try. It certainly can’t hurt.
Lisa Bradshaw the brilliant speech therapist…(Leroy Haynes last free training provider) has imperical proof. Her son has had brain injuries since birth providing many challenges.Through the years her and husband Boyd Bradshaw have used great teamwork to help him through his many perplexing issues. She reports that her son wore PURPLE LENSES for two years! His choice. The ability to choose his color was empowering. Allowing him to wear the glasses and regulate as he deemed fit! AWESOME!!
Wearing the colored lenses was such a calming and effective thing for him!! After 2 years he just did not put them on anymore. He had self-regulated !! I have seen Wyatt use color in this fashion so many times!! Usually he chooses blue…I am curious what color your kids will choose!? Will they want it “Lit -up” or will they prefer it darker. I am quite sure that with all spectrum “issues”…EVERYONE is different. With varying degrees of ability or disability! Keeping us on “OUR TOES!”
It so~ DEPENDS ~on HOW YOU SEE IT!! I’m thinking …let’s SEE IT through…