Just got home from another evening of excellent information served up at www.leroyhaynes.org!!
A lot of it too…good thing its calorie-free! Tonight marked the start of their second year of providing the community with FREE VITAL INFORMATION about AUTISM. Every few months they offer a free guest speaker/therapist to provide parents,teachers and extended family members WITH CLUES! “Road rules “so to speak … for the care-givers of the AUTISMHWY!
Having a child on the spectrum so often becomes a group effort. When everyone is on the same page…the reading can begin. The C.E.O. and STAFF at Leroy’s understand this and should be recognized for their outstanding service! They have given us a library of information. I can only hope that this is a practice that more and more programs and schools will implement. The complexities of autism can be understood by realizing how differently autistics feel and perceive the ever-changing environment.
Tonight’s speaker…Sensory Integration Specialist Boyd Bradshaw explained this issue fabulously! So much so that he continued on… 30 minutes after the allotted time. Also excepting an invitation to return next month to continue the dialogue!
My mom and I attended all of last years FREE TRAININGS and we are so much the better for it.
How excited I was to see the conference room was almost filled. A lot of the people from last year with a lot of new faces as well. Demystify this demon they call autism! I am looking forward to the day when everyone understands autism when they “SEE-IT” and even if they don’t.
Unfortunately autism has become so widespread that almost everyone knows at least one person affected. Sometimes… multiple kids in the same household! This week Wyatt and I met twins both affected. The short-stop and the 2nd baseman for our “A-League” Little League team!! (MUCH MORE on that soon!)
A student at Leroy Haynes had a very astute comment. Profound really. I brought an AUTISMHWY logo to the school to ask the students what their thoughts were. One boy so rightly asked, “Why is there only one puzzle piece…if so many of us are affected?” Like I’ve said before there is so much to be learned from and about this amazing population! So…be hungry for knowledge because , understanding an autistic individual may be more satisfying than any food you could ever eat!