Often times I have told people that my life having a child on the Autism Spectrum has felt like being up that proverbial creek. You know the creek, the one with the distastful name that you grow up hearing about. Adrift in a body of water using whatever you can find to shore up your ‘vessel’ so you can begin the long unchartered paddle. The paddle towards forward progressions. Wherever those progressions may lie.

This can be a very murky journey as you float along trying to gather information and connect professionals to your Autistic loved one in meaningful and productive ways. Especially challenging when your child/teen/adult use different connectors and receptors then these professionals are trained to work with.

Sadly, at  other times even unwilling to work with your loved one. You are thrust into this role- captain of your ship -interpreting for and steering your family through a lifetime of safe harbors. Hoping you are lucky enough to find sea-worthy hands for the deck, plenty of paddles and enough wind for your sails! Artwork by Joel Anderson of Joel’s Vision Arts.


And this is where your life feels as “wild and untamed” as the deep blue sea. Where helping your child to progress becomes like pioneering unexplored territory against many currents. An epic exploratory journey comparable to the voyages of so many visionaries: Magellan, Cook, Lewis, Clark and Pocahantas to name a mere few. People trudging forward by land or by sea not knowing what exactly awaits them. A perfect way to describe a day, a week, a month, a year, a LIFETIME on the Spectrum. The belief that what you are looking for IS out there gives you the strength to search on.

After you are able to discern exactly what you are seeking.  The “IT” that each of our loved ones on the Spectrum need is a very fluid thing and can frankly be alot of different things. These needs can shift and change like the tides. Add that to the wide range of variances we see between individuals on the Autism Spectrum. Professional labels from: mild, moderate, severe, profound….High Functioning, Low-functioning, Asperger’s, Autism. Then to further identify the differing needs of sensory and processing functions which can vary as much as that list of insulting and outdated desriptors. It IS a very complicated task. It’s a wide open space to be individually designed and defined. An unconquered ocean of possibilities for families to explore and chart throughout a lifetime. Open water.

In this exploratory “Art of interpretation,” a families intuition should rule the day.  In the last 10 years since I have been adrift, mapping our course on the AutismHWY I see many new schools of thought regarding Autistic people. Brilliant voices of people with Autism profoundly shedding new light on the information. Things I can use to help understand my son’s needs. Amazing informational paddles I am so grateful for!! Social networking has us excitedly collaborating and sharing our experiences. Talk about informative friendships!! I have been  learning by leaps and bounds and am happy to be in this fleet of fine vessels. Feeling fully supported under the sun.

Our friends and supporters on the Spectrum provide these informative paddles to assist in the sometimes daunting Autistic journey. The more of us that connect  and share our experiences the better. No longer adrift and isolated but, now surrounded globally by people experiencing life as we know it floating beside you. The most comforting safe harbor I can possibly imagine. Knowing  friends that have been in our boat and can throw out a life-line when needed is priceless.  A main goal of this website and our mission in life! It truly helps to brainstorm with other families living in a world where often times professionals seem to be playing “catch-up” in regards to the Autism Spectrum. I have seen so many self advocates, activists and families building amazing ships and chartering positive courses. Helping people to explore the many possibilities! This teaming  momentum feels incredible and grows stronger each and everyday. As more people witness the power this community truly has to inform society and to help “heal itself” the world will be in awe. “Healing” the problems created by misunderstandings and misinformation about Autism. Removing those stumbling blocks to comfort zones for our loved ones. I fully believe it can and will be done!

When the Government, Medical and Educational Agencies of the world realize the love in our community and the POWER the Autistic VOICE holds they can use it to better explore the brain and all of human behavior.