…Lisa Bradshaw, SPEECH THERAPIST Deluxe will be SPEAKING at Leroy Haynes Center in La Verne, Cal. This Thursday Apr. 22nd 5:30~7:30 p.m. If you are anywhere in the general vicinity …drop everything and come on down! Lisa is a vast source of knowledge. She has been working in this field many years. Her husband Boyd also devotes his life to helping individuals on the spectrum. I have refered to Temple Grandin as AUTISM‘ Super Hero. These two qualify for …AUTISM’ Super Couple! Hope we hear from both of them! Double THE INFO!!

They attack AUTISM from a gut level, as they have a son on the SPECTRUM. Their knowledge does’nt stop as they leave the office. All to our benefit! These two are fabulous! I have now seen them each speak twice. This will be my 3rd time learning from Lisa. I’m feeling a bit like a groupie!! Please join the fray~you will not be disappointed. Lisa’s brilliant take on our kids sensory issues is awesome! She has an ease about her and her descriptions will help you without a doubt!

She speaks from her heart .She speaks common sense. She understands the systems we go through as parents to gain help for our kids! Most importantly she is willing to go the extra mile for her clients. How often will a speech therapist use other techniques ( ie; O.T.) to help a child attend to the session. Talk about dedicated multi~tasking! Seems that is the Bradshaw’s Family Creed.Doing what “it takes” to get it done. If you are available…do plan on it. I will be there soaking it all up and reporting for AUTISMHWY happily! Bring your sponges & Come on by and say HI!!

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