Seems to me that this decade is going to be the best ever for people living with AUTISM and ASPERGER’S SYNDROME! So many brilliant minds on~board! Surfboards …out on the crest riding the wave of HOPE & ACCEPTANCE for our community. We are strong as our numbers grow. These spikes in numbers are dumbfounding to some. However, if this is what it takes for the rest of the world to get “on-board”… Then I say, “Surf’s up dude!!!”

Just about every week the news will feature a story on autism research. This is what we need mainstream coverage on a weekly or daily basis! People need to “warm-up” to our issues. I had a conversation with a table full of “lovable old cronies” in downtown Glendora, Cal. last month. I asked them who they knew with AUTISM? One gentleman…Ed, owner of “Ed’s Place” said,”What difference does it make if it’s Autism, Cerebral Palsy or Diabetes?”…”If it does’nt affect me?” My point exactly!

People have just been …too busy to care. I do see that changing with leaps and bounds. Sooner than later “IT” will touch everyone. So to those that don’t think it affects them, you are just not seeing yourself in the best light. Sure if someone seated next to you in a cafe has C. P. you may notice their wheel chair. If the person next to you has Diabetes you would never know. With Autism my guess is you would notice 7  times out of 10 .

Most “health conditions” do not include a social aspect. This is where AUTISM and ASPERGER distinguish themselves. So yes, someone’s “condition” may affect you in the course of your normal day. Even the most stubborn person must admit that! So I ask…Don’t we as human beings”owe it” to one another, to empathize? Very interesting that word… empathy! I am essentially asking ALL “typical” People to do for autistics what many neuro-typical believe : that they cannot do for us. Empathize! Quite ironic.

Nice! I like that !! Our “Computers” are programmed so differently. As Temple Grandin’s mother so astutely says different not less !! I love what Dr. Tony Attwood and Dr. Chitra Bahkta say about Clay Marzo and, ASPERGER”S SYNDROME in the following video! Simply put their words are astounding! Fascinating really. As I have been saying, take advantage of an opportunity to learn about yourself through others! Realizing that differences are what make this world so brilliant! Learning how to cope with those differences …is what makes us better as humans. Evolve thinking, evolve understanding, EVOLVE LOVE. 

” What do you say people??”…Let’s enlighten ourselves and raise humanity to a whole NEW level !!