April 29th, 2010|

So time is ticking again on this "month of awareness." Thirty days has April...simply NOT ENOUGH! We are at a point in time that it is just silly to call the AWARENESS off ! So AUTISMHWY now declares the rest of this year and beyond.... Autism Awareness Decade! Seriously. Allocating a month to honor the


April 28th, 2010|

It has been over 160 years since California first STRUCK GOLD. It occured to me over this past weekend...that IT is about to happen again.The discovery of a rich vastly unmined resource. Our amazingly SHARP and TALENTED family members on the SPECTRUM! For years now people have been mistakenly counting them OUT. Well I am


April 24th, 2010|

That's WHAT my friend James said when I told him something very cool. Something I was UNAWARE of. That in Australia they have an award event called Autism SA Recognition Awards" to celebrate and honor the spectrum. WOW!! We were both speechless. He said "Really??" James is 24 has autism and is fairly high functioning.


April 21st, 2010|

...Lisa Bradshaw, SPEECH THERAPIST Deluxe will be SPEAKING at Leroy Haynes Center in La Verne, Cal. This Thursday Apr. 22nd 5:30~7:30 p.m. If you are anywhere in the general vicinity ...drop everything and come on down! Lisa is a vast source of knowledge. She has been working in this field many years. Her husband Boyd


April 20th, 2010|

I love flowers most females do. Flowers are full of...well, more flowers. Have you ever noticed that so many flowers hold designs of other flowers within?.Sometimes even the gaps of air between petals forms a design of another flower! If you LOOK. ~Really LOOK.~ At the very fine , very precise details. Typical people are


April 19th, 2010|

I see it happening right and left. In all of these amazing "A-League" kids!! Most closely I see it in my boy Wyatt! In the last three baseball outings we've had ...he has made a 360! From a boy that was feeling "lukewarm" at best~to a boy having a grand time! He had seemed unhappy...


April 18th, 2010|

After tonights success at the BIG PROFESSIONAL SPORTS Event...Dodger Stadium has a new name!! Wow, what a great time. As the families and kids found their seats lots of fist bumps and high fives were flying Not only did we have a great turn-out...everyone had an "even keel" going !! Wyatt had never been to


April 16th, 2010|

I always picked Australia.It was my answer ~ EVERY TIME! You know the question..."If you could go to any country in the world where would YOU go?" I don't know if it was my little girl love of Koala Bears or what? As I got older I kind of lost sight of that worldly desire


April 16th, 2010|

For the BIG EVENT in Pasadena, California Sat. April 24! The huge Autism Speaks Walk at the ROSEBOWL! What a great day that will be. Everyone out for OUR CAUSE, Vitamin D and of course ...Some "SAME TEAM" Feel!! Please strap on your tennis shoes or boots...and let's do some walking!! Wyatt & I


April 15th, 2010|

I found out about a very nice event THIS SATURDAY April 17th 9A.M.~2 P.M. ! Chiropractor Richard J. Veirs of Canyon Chiropractic Center in Pomona. Will be Supporting AUTISM and AWARENESS!! Seems the Chiropractor and his wife Kelly have a nephew with autism. What a wonderful idea to pitch in... THANKYOU! Saturday will be a

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